[45] The African-American philosopher Alain LeRoy Locke visited the Rhineland to investigate Morel's claims and found them mostly baseless. [115] In this regard, when the union leaders rebuke Lampré's father for his treasonous activities, he ceases to be an "exploitative" capitalist and turns into a "good German capitalist", having a very paternal relationship with his workers whom he takes care of and in their return defer to him. Thus politicians such as Georges Clemenceau, of the Radical Republicans, opposed participation in the scramble for Africa as they were concern it would divert the Republic from objectives related to regaining Alsace-Lorraine. von KarlAntonMartini » Mo 23.05.05 10:49, Beitrag [20] Morel wrote France is "thrusting her black savages into the heart of Germany", saying these "primitive African savages, the carriers of syphilis, have become a horror and a terror". [14] During World War I, the presence of Africans fighting in the French Army had in the word of the British historian Barbara Bush had made "trans-racial sex between white women and black men of all classes an obsession with white men". Also ein "unpolitischer" Künstler, der alles zum Sujet nahm, wofür man ihn bezahlte oder ein deutschnationaler Völkischer, der zum Schluß geläutert wurde? [103] The Lamprés pere and fils represent the elegantly cosmopolitan and Francophile Catholic middle classes of the Rhineland who often resented Prussian militarism as crude and overbearing, seeing themselves as a more civilized type of German. [96] The villain of the novel is the "mulatto" Captain Mustapha Hassan of the French Army; the fact that "half-Arabian" Hassan is a Muslim, the self-proclaimed "black raven of Allah", who is a descendant of Muslim warriors who fought against the Crusades was meant by Kreutzer to show that France is not longer a "civilized" European Christian nation, but has rather become a "mulatto" nation that has rejected the values of the European family of nations. Aber schon bevor die wichtigen Fakten bekannt waren, wurden die Ereignisse in Erklär- und Deutungsmuster eingebunden, die bereits lange vor Silvester existierten. [103] In another important scene, Lampré confronts his Rhenish separatist father to tell him that he "wants to be German again" rather than associate with the "niggers" of France. Die Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland ist ein gemeinnütziger, eingetragener Verein. ... und ich habe noch was vergessen: kann mir noch jemand mit der Pyramide (Freimaurersymbolik?) [29] The Central Committee of Women's Co-operative Guild in a statement expressed its "horror and indignation" at the use of Senegalese troops in the Rhineland, asked the British government pressure the French government to send all African troops back to Africa and called for an international agreement to ban "the use of any native African troops by any European power". [81] Beveridge, who was well known for her exaggerated claims and a speaking style that sought to appeal to the worse prejudices in her audience, often spoke about the "mindless blacks" with "enormous sex drives and unrestrained passion" who allegedly would attack "white women, white girls, white youth, often old people and even children". [24], The Auswärtige Amt saw a chance to turn international opinion against France over this issue, and in April 1920 began a sustained propaganda campaign against the French use of "colored" troops. [20] One of the French Army units involved in occupying Frankfurt was a Moroccan company that fired into a crowd of demonstrators. [60] The same conclusion was reached by the British historian Peter Collar who wrote: "...there existed in Germany a fundamental disagreement over the value of propaganda and the use to which it might be put. von Eva Blome » Di 21.06.05 10:42, Beitrag The MSPD actively opposed the revolution and worked with the army to establish a liberal republic. [48] The Canadian historian Peter Campbell noted that the "fascinating aspect" was that there were no letters to the editor of the British Columbia Federationist expressing either approval or disapproval; which he noted was odd given the way in which the article appealed to the prejudices in the most base way, suggesting that the largely white, working-class readers of British Columbia Federationist did not approve of the anti-black message. [74] Nitti wrote the Senegalese were guilty of "any form of violence and crime" as their "yesterday the representatives of cannibalistic races" whom were now occupying the "country of the greatest thinkers in Europe". [33] Morel predicated the "black horror" would cause another world war, writing that the average German boy was thinking: "Boys these men raped your mothers and sisters" (emphasis in the original) . Help! [15], Much of the fury that the "colored" troops generated in Germany was due to the way that they inverted the normal racial hierarchy with black, brown and Asian men holding power over white Germans. [126] For this reason, the Rhenish mayors asked the Reich government stop the "black horror" propaganda which had ruined the tourism in the Rhineland. [74] Throughout his speeches and essays, Nitti drew a contrast between Europeans who constituted civilization vs Africans who represented barbarism. EUR 4,00 Versand. "[88] Collar wrote that Beveridge who was fluent in German was a "charismatic orator...able to whip up her audience into a frenzy". und dem Gegenstand links (zerbrochene Leier, Anspielung auf Lorelei?) [23] Given Morel's views about the Senegalese and his opposition to the Treaty of Versailles, he was predisposed to believe any horror story that might come out of the Rhineland. [110] Reflecting Kreutzer's conservative politics, in Die Schwarze Schmach, the working class characters finally learn the SPD is a divisive force that weakens the German people by dividing the working class from the rest of the German people, and it is when the Rhenish working class learn to accept leadership from traditional elites such as the aristocracy and the industrialists that the German people can finally be united as one in the form of the Volksgemeinschaft to stand up to France, Germany's ancient archenemy which was responsible for the "black horror on the Rhine". [22] Specifically, Morel believed the French would use their African troops to put down strikes by the white working-classes in Europe, and the theme of the French Army's Senegalese soldiers as a brutal force upholding capitalism was a recurring one in Morel's articles in The Daily Herald in 1919 and 1920. Grüße, KAM. Eichsfelder Münzhandel MA-Shop Kauf mit Garantie Angebot mit Münzen und Medaillen von der Antike bis zum Euro. [26] On 12 April 1920, Lansbury wrote again on the subject, saying if the French did not send the Senegalese back to Africa at once, "we shall have savages used to blackleg, and to coerce, the workers of all European countries". [112] In paternal relationship, aristocrats like Yrsch understand the problems of the working class, and argue for fair treatment of the workers by their employers, which was Kreutzer's way of saying that in the Volksgemeinschaft the German people would all be united together as a one big happy family. [21] Like many other British leftists, Morel was bitterly opposed to the Treaty of Versailles which denounced as an unjust treaty which he blamed on a revanchist France. [129] In a speech given in Darmstadt on 13 February 1923, the Social Democratic German president Friedrich Ebert said: "daß die Verwendung farbiger Truppen niederster Kultur als Aufseher über eine Bevölkerung von der hohen geistigen und wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung der Rheinländer eine herausfordernde Verletzung der Gesetze europäischer Zivilisation ist" ("the use of troops of the lowest culture over the population of the highest spiritual and economic importance in the Rhineland is a challenging violation of the laws of European civilization"). 632 zum Kriegsende 1945 paßt auch nicht so recht in die Reihe. Kreutzer also used Die Schwarze Schmach as a way of reinforcing traditional gender roles as German women are portrayed as weak and passive, unable to protect themselves from the rampaging Senegalese and Moroccans, needing the "manly" German men to protect them. [5] As the norms of Islam permitted polygamy, this created what were considered insurmountable problems by those who defended an assimilationist viewpoint. [40] Both men concluded that the stories about the "black horror on the Rhine" were being made to influence U.S. public opinion. Thomson. Es ist nicht zu übersehen, daß sich auch hinter diesen Texten das bekannte Credo vom Menschen als dem werdenden Gott versteckt, wie es aus dem philosophisch-religiösen Umfeld des Thule-Reiches bekannt ist … Quelle: E. R. Carmin „Das schwarze Reich. [33] Army general Christopher Thomson published an article in The Daily Herald, which stated that based on his extensive service in Africa, that he knew about the "sexual proclivities" of Africans "who in default of their own race must have intercourse with European women". Bestellungen werden ohne die im Shop-System enthaltene Kundenregistrierung bearbeitet durch Abgabe einer Bestellung im Warenkorbsystem oder mit einfacher eMail, postalisch und per Vorauskasse.. Überweisungen sind aufs Bankkonto (Postbank Stuttgart) möglich: Morel and the 'Black Horror on the Rhine, Racist coins created after World War I : The Watch on the Rhine / The Black Shame, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Black_Horror_on_the_Rhine&oldid=1015826228, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 3 April 2021, at 19:56. [104] Furthermore, all of the women raped by the Senegalese cease to be German the moment they are raped, and it is made clear that there is no place in the Volksgemeinschaft for them. [104] In the novel, the bodies of German women represent both literally and symbolically the tormented German nation attacked by African "savages" with the female body serving as a symbol of German racial purity. von finemedals » Di 21.06.05 11:13, Beitrag Farbmünzen liegen weltweit im Trend. [103] Ultimately, Lampré's father sees the error of his ways and he too rediscovers his pride in being German again. [131] Despite this, the Canadian feminist Rose Henderson in a 1925 article in The British Columbia Federationist wrote "the power of France rests upon a black basis", which she called "one of the most menacing and sinister facts in history", going to condemn the French for training the Senegalese "to subdue and enslave white people".[132]. [94] In his very popular 1921 novel Die Schwarze Schmach: Der Roman des geschändeten Deutschlands (The Black Shame A Novel of Disgraced Germany), Kreutzer portrayed the Senegalese and Moroccan soldiers as thuggish rapists who violate thousands upon thousands of innocent German girls in the Rhineland, who have all the stereotypical "Aryan" look with fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes; the hero of the novel repeatedly calls the Senegalese "nigger scum". von KarlAntonMartini » Mo 23.05.05 18:41, Beitrag Rather than submit to this, Wolfgang Kapp gathered significant Army officers around him and launched the Kapp Putsch. [70] In this regard, Nitti was strongly opposed to the Treaty of Versailles, which he called the "instrument of oppression" against Germany, the "most cultured nation" in the world. Hindenburg's view of the Senegalese was typical of German views of the Senegalese, and many German soldiers were reluctant to surrender to the Senegalese as they believed that they would be eaten by them, as racist propaganda portrayed the Senegalese as cannibals from "darkest Africa".[2]. [72] Nitti wrote the occupation of the Rhineland "had no military aim" but rather was an "attempt to force Germany to the point of moral exhaustion". [17] E.D. [14] The British ambassador to Germany, Lord D'Abederon wrote: "The war increased the German's respect for, and his dislike of the English, but has done nothing to diminish his belief in his own superior sturdiness compared with the French. Die Silvesternacht 2015/16 gilt als die Nacht, die Deutschland für immer verändert hat. The Rheinische Frauenliga was in very close contact with E. D. Morel–a leading British radical liberal and an advocate of the viewpoint that the Treaty of Versailles was too harsh on Germany–and much of Morel's writings on the issue was based on reports provided to him by the Rheinische Frauenliga. Künker: Schweiz, 2 x 1 Unze Silber 1994, 1995, siehe Fotos, PP + Erhaltung! [128], However, the French occupation of the Ruhr on 11 January 1923 caused the Auswärtige Amt to lose interest in the "black horror on the Rhine" story. [101] The Moroccans serving in the French Army are described as having "a rough-hewn black-brown face; bulging yellowish eyes buried deep under the forehead beneath the steel helmet; the predator teeth dazzlingly bright between the burning red lips".[102]. [60], In Morel's own mind, he was an anti-racist who was fighting for the Africans. [42] In Wiesbaden, relations between the Rhinelanders and the French occupation forces were more tense with references to brawls, property damage and "four cases of death caused by the colored troops", which was less than those that white French troops were accused of. [105], Lampré rejects his French lover, a licentious dancer and a "worldly little animal" whose "soulless chirping voices" and overt sexuality he finds repulsive for the more wholesome and German figure of Marlene von Yrsch. "[25] The Foreign Minister, Dr. Adolf Köster, in a note to the Allied governments wrote: "if we should suffer from the occupation, we will accept the inferior discipline...among your white troops if only you will rid us of this black plague!"[25]. The German fears of the Senegalese were widely shared amongst white people in the English-speaking world, and both the U.S. President Woodrow Wilson and the British Prime Minister David Lloyd George asked the French Premier Georges Clemenceau that no Senegalese be used as occupation troops in the Rhineland. [92] At the time, Beveridge had said in a speech that Hitler together with General Erich Ludendorff were her “German heroes”. Wigger, Iris. [30] On 27 April 1920, a mass protest meeting was held in London that was organised jointly by all of the main British feminist groups, namely the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, the National Federation of Women Workers, the Federation of Women Teachers, the Women's Co-operative Guild, the Association of Women Clerks and Secretaries and the Fabian Women's Group to condemn France for the alleged war crimes committed by the Senegalese. "[50], The Christian Science Monitor (CSM) in an editorial on 28 October 1920 wrote: "France has gone even further than an eye-for-eye and has outplayed Germany at its worse, in a way so terrible that it is impossible to indulge in details". [100] To humiliate Yrsch, the French demand they be allowed to open a brothel on the grounds of his estate to be operated by his daughter Marlene. [19] The German MSPD chancellor Hermann Müller in a speech complained that "Senegalese Negroes occupy the University of Frankfort and guard the Goethe House! [105] Marlene von Yrsch is blessed with all the beauty of her "race", having a "girly pristine charm", blonde hair worn in a "Greek node", "wise eyes", an "elegantly narrow face" with beautiful "curved brows" and a "slim shape" to her body. Schwarzesmarken (シュヴァルツェスマーケン) is a series set during the early years of the BETA invasion. EUR 46,66. [97], In response to stories about the "black horror on the Rhine", the French government published pamphlets settling to rebut the "calumnies" while several French newspapers in editorials accused the Germans of engaging in racism. This hatred of an entire people, despite a lack of weapons, will build an insuperable force and, from a certain moment in time, an irresistible one. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für D 1923 Not und Schmachtaler "Schwarze Schmach und Kulturschande am Rhein" bei eBay. [57] Appealing to the medical ignorance of its readers, the Notbund maintained that it was possible to contract leprosy solely by being in the presence of a black man without even touching him. Mit schwarze Damen-Mützen bist du gut gewappnet für deinen Alltag - egal ob casual oder classy - große Auswahl an Mützen There was political turmoil in Germany when it came to signing the Versailles Treaty. [42] The historian Raffael Scheck wrote most German newspapers outside of the Rhineland ran the "Black Horror" stories, but in fact it seems that relations between the "colored" troops and the Rhinelanders were "mostly friendly, sometimes too friendly for the critics" as some Rhenish women gave birth to illegitimate children with African, Berber, Arab and Asian features known by the disparaging term, the Rhineland Bastards. I appeal to all men worthy of the name. [100] Reflecting his nationalistic views, Kreutzer has a French officer say: "The German Army was the moral victor. Likewise, the African soldiers of the French Army had played a significant role in the defeat of the Imperial German Army in the Second Battle of the Marne. [49], In October 1920, a debate took place at a conference of Protestant clergymen at the World Ecumenical Conference in Geneva, when a Lutheran pastor from Germany asked the conference to condemn the "black horror". By the evening of 6 November, two hundred German revolutionaries had reached the city of Cologne, where they joined local workers and soldiers to establish a Workers and Soldiers' Council, along the lines of the Russian soviets. Sie kamen überwiegend aus Nordafrika und dem Senegal. They saw the colonised subjects as having to find their own path to civilisation and relied on local elites to manage the colonial system on the ground. [96] Yrsch complains about the weak Emperor who abdicated and left into exile while leaving his 70 million loyal subjects "in the abyss". [64] In this viewpoint, as long as Africans were left in their "natural savage state", all would be well as Africans were not capable of meeting the sexual self-discipline of Europeans, which is why Morel condemned the efforts of missionaries in Africa. [72] At the same time, Nitti, who was very well worried about the prospect of a Communist revolution in Germany, used the "black horror" stories as a way of creating unity in Germany, urging that all Germans regardless of class should unite in the common struggle against France. [62] At the same time, Morel believed that Africans, lacking the self-discipline of whites, had an uncontrolled sexuality. Hallo Wilfried, Viele Goetz-Medaillen wurden neben Bronze auch in Silber ausgegeben. [18] The issue of the deployment of "colored" troops was first discussed in the Reichstag in January 1920. [44] The third edition of The Horror on the Rhine featured endorsed by the former German chancellor Prince Max of Baden; Jean Longuet of the French Socialist Party; four Socialist members of the Italian parliament; and General C. B. [13] In a meeting with Clemenceau, Diagne had insisted that if French civilization was truly universal, then the Senegalese should allowed to march into the Rhineland alongside the rest of the French Army and not be excluded simply because the Germans found them offensive. [135] In the spring of 1920, the conscience of the world had been stirred by mostly imaginary crimes said to have been committed by the Senegalese against the Germans. Claude McKay, the Jamaican writer and industrial unionist who had arrived in London several months earlier, wrote a letter to The Daily Herald, which was not published, asking: "Why this obscene maniacal outburst about the sex vitality of black men in a proletarian paper?" His was succeeded as Chancellor by Gustav Bauer. 3 finde ich interessant! Diagne represented the Four Communes, the four oldest colonial towns in French West Africa which had won the right to send deputies to the Chamber of Deputies following the 1848 revolution. Endet am Heute, 20:06 MESZ 16Std 46 Min Lieferung an Abholstation. Nr. [14] The stationing of Senegalese troops in the Rhineland had tapped into these fears. Jack Sawyer ist die Hauptperson in den Romanen Der Talisman und Das Schwarze Haus.Beide entstanden als Kollaboration zwischen Stephen King und seinem Freund und Kollegen Peter Straub.. Der Name des Charakters ist bewusst gewählt, erinnert Jack doch in Der Talisman stark an den abenteuerlustigen Tom Sawyer von Mark Twain (siehe Telling names). [54] In France, a French Socialist Charles Gide wrote on 16 March 1921 edition of the newspaper Foi et Vie that Morel claimed that he wanted to protect the Africans, but: "le genre de protection de M. Morel rappelle un peu le precepte que fait afficher la Society protectrice des animaux: 'Soyez bons pour les betes'" (Mr. Morel's kind of protection is a little reminiscent of the precepts of the Society for the Protection of Animals: 'Be good to the animals'). [40] After the Red Summer of 1919, which had seen widespread racial violence, especially race riots, across the United States causing hundreds of deaths, most of them African-American, white American public opinion was very sensitive to stories about "uppity" blacks getting out of hand, and was inclined to sympathize with those who claimed to be threatened by blacks. Es gibt aber noch eine weitere Muenze von 1921, auf der der Penis zu einem Gedenkstein oder Grabstein geworden ist und die Aufschrift "Die schwarze Schmach" lautet. Es gibt übrigens bei der Graphik einen ähnlichen Fall: Richard Müller. 619 ein sudetendeutscher Sozialdemokrat geehrt, der 1944 aus dem Gefängnis entlassen wurde. Gold Münze Helvetia 20 Franken Schweiz 1947 B (Nr. Within the ideology of the republic, having Africans and Asians fighting in the French Army was proof of the universalism of French civilization which was open to all. [14] A German writer, Alfred von Wrochem, in his best-selling book The Colonization of the Rhineland by France had attacked the French for undermining belief in worldwide white supremacy by using Senegalese troops. Only numerical superiority and hunger had finally forced it to its knees. [26] In an appeal to his female readers, Morel asked the question: "is there no obligation laid upon womenhood as such, in a matter of this kind which goes to the very root of any decent instinct the war may have left alive among the white peoples of the earth? Negroes are no more over-sexed than Caucasians; mulatto children in the West Indies and America were not the result of parthenogenesis. [16] Morel, a pacifist and member of the Labour Party, genuinely believed that black men had an uncontrolled sexuality that made them want to rape white women with abandon, and throughout his writings on the subject he accused the Senegalese of raping German women on an industrial scale, claiming that thousands upon thousands of German women and girls were raped by the Senegalese on a daily basis. EUR 5,50 Versand. [29], On 30 April 1920, the left-wing Canadian newspaper, the British Columbia Federationist ran a front-paper cover story "The Black Scourge Is Now Ravaging Europe". The terms of the treaty meant that the counter-revolutionary Freikorps which the Weimar government had created to crush the revolutionary movement faced being disbanded. [39] In August 1920, Morel first used the phrase "the black horror on the Rhine" in one of his pamphlets to describe the alleged atrocities. [40] General Henry T. Allen, the commander of the American occupation force in Coblenz together with the diplomat E.L. Dresel carried out an investigation and reported on 25 June 1920 that almost all of the stories about the "black horror on the Rhine" were baseless. The German sociologist Iris Wigger divided the writers into two types; a "liberal racism" that embraced writers such as E.D Morel and the former Italian Prime Minister Francesco Saverio Nitti who used the "black horror" stories primarily as a weapon for attacking the Treaty of Versailles, and a "conservative racism" that embraced figures such as the German writer Guido Kreutzer and the American actress Ray Beveridge mainly found within in Germany that used the "black horror" stories primarily as a weapon for attacking the Weimar Republic. A certain element of “psychological warf… The colonial troops referred to were soldiers from Senegal, Vietnam, and Madagascar. Dudley Field Malone, the leader of the Farmer–Labor Party, wrote to President Wilson that: "thoughtful persons in America and throughout the world are horrified by the victimization of German women and girls by half-savage African troops". Verstärkt wird dies optisch durch den fehlenden Randstab auf der Motivseite. [38] On 10 May 1920, the Prime Minister of Sweden, Hjalmar Branting, declared in a speech his belief in the truth of Morel's claims, saying that as a white man he was outraged that the French would deploy Senegalese troops in the Rhineland. Since Germany had been more or less disarmed by the Treaty of Versailles, it was not possible for the Reich to go to war with France, and the völkisch groups opposed to the Weimar Republic used the "black horror" stories as a way of attacking the Weimar Republic as an "emasculated" state incapable of standing up to France; such attacks especially resonated with right-wing men. Das angesprochene Motiv mit der gefesselten Frau ist das krasseste Beispiel, es gibt auch Motive mit wulstlippigen schwarzen französischen Soldaten. Ja, Karl Goetz ist als Künstler ein Medailleur ersten Ranges, was auch von zeitgenössischen Kritikern (zB FORRER) anerkannt wurde.
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