I am running a Synology DS218+ at home so I decide this would be the best option for me. Or click Network in the Finder sidebar. I have a QNAP TS-215 which I only run Plex Media Server (RAID 1) I also have a Synology DS1513+ which has my content in 3-4 shared folders (RAID 5), all of this runs on the same network. Posted on Step 4: Connect to your Synology NAS drive. And at the top bar, click 'Go' > 'Connect to Server...'. Disk performance would also be limited to the speed of the installed drive with no speed bonuses from Synology… This process is different on different devices, but there’s a gotcha on Synology’s operating system: filenames have a maximum of 143 characters in encrypted folders, compared to 255 characters in normal folders. But before you proceed with the steps below, let's first explore the easiest way to connect to your Synology on your Mac computer. NAS storage is that it is much slower than a hard drive. With it, you will be able to have access to your data that will be synced with your NAS all the time as well as your Mac. Only Synology NAS with DSM 6.2.3 installed can be updated to this version. A NAS drive that provides shared storage for everyone on your network is ideal for homes that own multiple Macs and mobile devices. Zentralisieren Sie Speicherung und Sicherung von Daten, vereinfachen Sie das gemeinsame Bearbeiten von Dateien, optimieren Sie die Videoverwaltung und sichern Sie Ihr Netzwerk für das effiziente Datenmanagement. A network-attached storage device is a computer with one or more drives designed to store files. All you would need to do is to click on the left side icon and click on 'connect as'. Apple trained. Assign a static IP address to Mac or Windows PC 3. 3. Apple’s Time Machine, built into macOS, is another useful backup tool, and many NAS devices can use Time Machine. 5 Steps for Accessing files with Synology WebDAV QuickConnect on Mac. Synology does a good job of offering these as a default install when setting up the NAS, and also offers to install the Mac apps that will help you sync your data to the NAS. Here are the 6 best NAS drives for Mac owners The strange thing is that I have no issue with connecting with eacht other device to the nas like windows laptop Iphone Ipad. In the first step, Login to your NAS; Open Control Panel; than, open Network To set up and manage a NAS, you connect to it over a network. Apple Certified. Launch 'Finder' and look at the left-hand column. To find your Synology NAS in the same local area network as your Mac computer, launch 'Finder'. Please note, you will need login credentials for your Synology NAS prepared before you can proceed. That app might copy the library to the NAS but it's designed for image files in folders and not a Photos or iPhoto library. In your Mac computer, choose Finder > Connect to Server. You’ll see any folders that you have set up, and that are accessible to your user account, along with folders the NAS’s software created. Mapping requires specific information; in this case, the IP address of your Synology NAS. As the Mac Mini is a single drive system you are not going to have the same level of disk drive options as a commercial NAS or even a home brew system would have. Here we'll select Connected Synology NAS since we are creating another task for the same Synology NAS. It’s easy to connect an external hard drive to your Mac to back it up, but if you use a laptop, you might forget to do this regularly. Compatibility & Installation 2. You could put a NAS in an out-of-the-way location such as a closet, for example, as long as it can connect to your local network. Die Geräte sind bei Mac-Anwendern, vor allem bei Anwendern aus der Medienbranche und Designern, sehr beliebt, weil sie sich leicht integrieren lassen, über eine hohe Speicherkapazität verfügen und viele Funktionen bieten. Double-click the NAS, then enter your user name and password. #Synology #DSM #NAS #connect #Mac #IT #support #services #Singapore, Address: 49 Joo Chiat Ln Singapore 428106, Step 1: Download and Install Synology Assistant for Mac. 2.2 For Mac. You can now access your files on remote servers through WebDAV. I decided to do some digging and found that someone had made it pretty easy to run the UniFi controller on a Synology NAS. We all know how important it is to back up your Mac. Either you have just bought a brand new Synology NAS, or you need to connect a Mac to a Synology NAS you already own. You can also use your NAS to access your files remotely. For example, if you use Intego Personal Backup, which is part of Intego Mac Premium Bundle X9, select the folder you’ve set up on the NAS for backups, and Personal Backup will automatically back up your files at the frequency you choose to the NAS. Logging in here will give you access to your Synology Diskstation Manager, or DSM. Two IP addresses mean you have connected both the Ethernet ports at the back of your Synology to your router. Synology Assistant does allow you to connect to your Synology and if you click on 'Connect' it will open your browser and launch the web portal. IT Block is an IT support services provider based in Singapore and we love sharing our IT knowledge with the world. Recently Synology released a beta version of their new Virtual Machine Manager package that allows users to do exactly that.. Below I’ll detail how to install, configure, and create a Windows 10 virtual machine on my Synology DS1815+. Think of it as being more like a filing cabinet or bookcase. Select a Synology NAS for your new task. Now a window will open with all the folders in your Synology NAS drive you have the rights to access to. Choose Go > Connect to Server, then click Browse to find your NAS. You can always reset the router back to factory defaults and start over. Easy way to connect your Synology NAS to your Mac. If you have ever used Synology Assistant on a Windows computer before, you notice the option to 'Map Drive' does not exist. I would like to do the following: Mount the the Synology shared folders onto my QNAP TS-215 as local drives, so that they can be easily seen by Plex as local drives and mounted. Double-click the NAS, then enter your user name and password. It uses little power, and is always on, so you can access it at any time. To find your Synology NAS in the same local area network as your Mac computer, launch 'Finder'. A common request I’ve seen among Synology NAS owners, is the ability to run virtual machines directly from their NAS. We’ve shown you how to set up Time Machine on your Mac. The hardest part was finding an open spot in our server room — we had it up and running in less than 5-minutes. NAS devices today are relatively user friendly. Safari is known to be difficult at times. It’s primary role is STORAGE and sharing with other computer. However, if you’d rather use your Synology NAS that’s connected to your local network, there’s a bit more work to do (but it’s still pretty easy). We sell and support Synology NAS devices and Ubiquiti network products. Quick Start Guide of Hikvision IP Camera & Synology NAS Connection T M 3 About this Document ... and in the pop-up message box, click File Services. Many NAS devices are used to stream video, with software such as Plex, and have processors that can convert video on the fly. Centralize data storage and backup, streamline file collaboration, optimize video management, and secure network deployment to facilitate data management. Thank you for reading 'Easy way to connect your Synology NAS to your Mac' by IT Block. Choose Connect. If you want to store your original image files on the NAS select all of the photos in the library and with the File Export Unmodified Originals menu option export the original files to a folder on the Desktop. Type in your credentials and check the box 'Remember this password in my keychain'. Create a Shared Folder: Then click Shared Folder and create a shared folder. Synology is one of the most popular manufacturers of Network-attached Storage systems. Thank you for reading 'Easy way to connect your Synology NAS to your Mac' by IT Block. IT Block is an IT support services provider based in Singapore and we love sharing our IT knowledge with the world. You can use an online backup service if you have the bandwidth, but a practical way to back up your Mac locally is to use a NAS: a network-attached storage device. Now click 'Connect'. To access your NAS, you mount its volume in the Finder. You’ll be able to store more files on the NAS, if you choose large drives, and they won’t be stored on someone else’s computer. This step involves assigning a Static IP address to your Synology NAS. Ihr Synology NAS starten 1 Schließen Sie ein Ende des Netzteils an den Netzanschluss des Synology NAS an. In most cases, you will be able to see your Synology NAS in your finder and clicking on it will immediately give you access to the folders without having to rekey in your credentials. Psyched to get my new Synology NAS set-up yesterday RC helped me get it set-up but honestly, it was a breeze (had I known it would be so simple, I would have done it myself). I’d recommend turning off AFP on your NAS, if it supports this protocol, and using only SMB; it’s more reliable. And at the top bar, click 'Go' > 'Connect to Server...'. Otherwise, skip the fourth step of this tutorial. For those of you who have a Synology NAS device already set up and ready to connect to; Follow the steps below for your Mac computer. Your Mac will use the IP address as directions to locate your shared drives and folders. If you are a Mac user, you can connect WebDAV with Synology NAS through this finder. August 11th, 2020 by Any know problema with NAS units for this type of … It can be as small as a single hard drive in an enclosure, or it can be a rack-mounted device with a couple dozen drives or more. Easy way to connect your Synology NAS to your Mac. Compatible with all platforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS), in most cases it can meet company needs concerning infrastructure for data centralisation. Your Mac can use two networking protocols: SMB and AFP. This allows extra data protection, and for backups, it’s a good idea to consider using a NAS with RAID. In some work environments, we notice that the NAS drive may not automatically appear in your left-hand finder column, even after mapping it. The update is not available in your region yet. Step 2: Get your Synology NAS IP address using Synology Assistant. As with all backups, your first backup will take some time, depending on what you’re backing up, and subsequent backups will only write files that are new or have been changed, so if you are backing up a lot of files, it’s best to run this first backup overnight. Hi, I will buy a NAS unit “Synology DS418”. Go to Cloud Station > Overview and click the Download button. It’s pretty easy to do when you’re just backing up to an external hard drive that’s connected directly to your computer. Brightstone Expert Tech Support for the Portland Metro Region. Synology offers a very user friendly Network Attached Storage (NAS) device experience, but that doesn’t mean unboxing it and starting it up is exactly a one-click affair. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly. In the tab of Server Address, type your Synology NAS IP address led by http:// and followed by ‘5005’. So you can select that folder as a target for backups. Seagate IronWolf 4TB NAS Internal Hard Drive HDD – CMR 3.5 Inch SATA 6Gb/s 5900 RPM 64MB Cache for RAID Network Attached Storage – Frustration Free Packaging (ST4000VNZ008/VN008) 4.7 out of 5 stars 5,915 This allows for synology quickconnect mac integrations. This disk image is practical, because it creates a self-contained volume for the backups, but it is not uncommon to find that networked Time Machine disk images become corrupted, and need to be replaced. Write down or copy the first IP address somewhere and proceed to Step 3. 2 Verwenden Sie das LAN-Kabel, um das Synology NAS an Ihren Switch, Router oder Hub anzuschließen. Now click 'Connect'. Double-click a folder to mount it and access its files. The disadvantage of using Time Machine on a network device – whether it’s a NAS or a hard drive connected to another computer on your network – is that the software creates a disk image, rather than copying the individual files directly. Setting Up a New Mac: Should You Migrate or Do a Clean Installation? The main advantage of Time Machine backups is that you can keep them for a long time, if you have a large enough drive – I have Time Machine backups of my main Mac going back to 2017 – but you lose old backups if your disk image becomes corrupted. Try using Firefox instead. Whichever the case, we are here to help. Subsonic Music Streamer; TwonkyMedia server runs on Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and Android and enables media sharing of local and online media among a large variety of devices. This update will restart your Synology NAS. Netzwerklaufwerk am Mac einbinden: So geht's Netzwerklaufwerk. With the purchase of my new Mac Mini I’ve decided it’s a good time to transfer the bulk of my data over to a network attached storage … If you can see the name of your Synology on the left-sidebar under 'Shared', then you're in luck. Different companies use different methods for this – either via apps or web browsers – and you can use your NAS the same way you would use a cloud storage service, such as iCloud Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, or Google Drive. You can open the folders of your Synology here, but you can't easily copy and move folders around. Your NAS could connect to your Mac via an Ethernet cable, and could be in the same room as your computer; or it could be in any location as long as it can access your network. Drobo and Synology NAS have been around for a few years now and both have an incredible reputation for being user-friendly, for being incredibly intuitive to Mac users and making every effort to keep their NAS product’s footprint in your life as small as possible. What we need is to access the folder directly, like you would any file or folder on your Mac computer. Choose Go > Connect to Server, then click Browse to find your NAS. When you have mounted a folder on your NAS, the Finder treats it like any other folder. You can also reset the NAS back to network defaults as well. Click on the plus '+' icon to save the IP address, should you need to reaccess it in the future. A new window will open titled 'Connect to Server'. this article to understand the different types of RAID, How to Prepare Your Mac to Upgrade to macOS Big Sur: the Ultimate Guide. And some are just used for file sharing and storage. If you are unsure if that is your Synology NAS, please start from step 1. Available on Windows, Apple Mac OSX, Linux and Synology NAS platforms. Schließen Sie das andere Ende an einer Netzsteckdose an. If you back up your Mac to a NAS, you can then connect to the NAS from anywhere and copy files. Mapping a drive is a process where you help your computer to locate a shared drive in your local area network. The problem here is that you will have to "move" your iCloud drive to Synology Drive location on your mac in order to avoid doubling … Assign a Static IP Address to NAS. 3 Drücken Sie die Ein/Aus-Taste, um das Synology NAS einzuschalten. Depending on the setup of your NAS in your local environment, you may see one or two IP addresses in your Synology Assistant. How to keep older Macs secure: a geeky approach (run Catalina on unsupported Macs), How to Enter and Exit Full Screen Mode and Use Split Screen in macOS, Uncover and Delete Hidden Files Cluttering Your Mac and Save Space, How to switch search engines on macOS and iOS (and why you should), Apple releases iOS 14, watchOS 7 and more with security updates, Fancy Bear, ReVoLTE, and Instagram’s biometric theft – Weekly privacy news, August 21, 2020, Chinese laws, DOJ vs CA, and more – Weekly privacy news, August 14, 2020, U.S. exposes Chinese malware Taidoor – Weekly privacy news, August 7, 2020, Apple HomePod mini Review: Siri in a Compact Speaker, Apple Announces First Macs with Apple Silicon, Apple Announces iPhone 12 and HomePod mini, How to Back Up Your Mac’s Data with Time Machine. The Synology NAS enables substantial savings. See this article to understand the different types of RAID. To set it up for backups, you should encrypt that folder, to make sure your backups are protected. Synology Chat – An alternative to Skype and Whatsapp for the NAS for communication between users for PC/Mac/iOS and Android Synology Moments – An alternative to Google Photos and Facebook for photo collections, facial recognition, deep learning for tagging photo subjects and more In the server address bar, type "afp://
". They either offer their own apps for configuration or you set them up in a web browser. I have a Synology NAS, and here’s what I see in my browser: When you set up your NAS, you create a user account, just like on your Mac. Once you have completed the download and installation of your Synology Assistant, launch the software immediately on your Mac computer. You’ll see any folders that you have set up, and that are accessible to your user account, along with folders the NAS’s software created. It’s useful to think of a NAS as a hard drive with an operating system, which allows you to create user accounts copy and manage files, and more. If you buy a NAS that holds two or more drives (for the most part, NAS devices use hard drives, but you can use SSDs as well, though they are much more expensive), you can set it up in a RAID configuration. We would advise that you create shortcuts to these folders on your desktop for ease of access in the future. While you can use a NAS for many tasks, I’m just going to talk here about backups. Click Next. Sign up for a Free Mac Security Newsletter to stay updated. However, your NAS has to always be on, and your home or office, where the NAS is located, has to have internet access; if you lose power, or if your internet access goes down, you will no longer be able to access files on the device. Synology ist einer der führenden Anbieter von NAS-Systemen. 503-235-1964. It’s a great way to ensure that your Macs are backed up, it can serve media files to your home devices, and you can use it as cloud storage when you’re away. What sets a NAS apart from a small computer such as a Mac mini is the fact that it doesn’t need a display; in fact, NAS devices don’t have video cards, so you can’t connect a display to it. Access NAS over Ethernet using Synology Assistant. Onsite and remote tech support and help desk for businesses and individuals in the Northwest. Type your DSM username and password. Your Mac will use the IP address as directions to locate your shared drives and folders. The advantage of using Time Machine is that it can automatically back up your Mac every hour, but if the backup target is not available, your Mac stores snapshots of all your files each hour (if you have enough free space on your computer). Then use your uploader to copy that folder to the NAS. Let’s get things up and running so we can move onto all the fun projects a compact NAS … Choose Go> Connect to WebDAV Server on the menu. In this article, IT Block will show you the easiest way to connect your Mac computer to a Synology NAS. Since I had an IP conflict within my network, I cannot connect my synology DS212 NAS anymore to my mac book pro. Some NAS devices have wifi, and some allow the use of wifi if you connect a dongle to a USB port on the device. I bought my Synology DS416play over three years ago and it never performed how I wanted it to be until recently. Kirk McElhearn. Can I use this unit with my 4 HDD disks and edit directly from the unit plug-in to my Mac in real time without problems using my Mac Photo Lab 3 copy? A NAS is a great adjunct to a home or small office computer system. The easiest way to connect to your Synology NAS device is by using software by Synology itself. The process is almost the same for all Synology NAS devices. Connect as a Registered User, not 'Guest'. Select Advanced setup and follow the rest of the wizard to continue setup. Or click Network in the Finder sidebar. This window will allow you to connect to your Synology securely. With its large storage capacity, it enables backing up increasingly large files at the lowest cost. Should You Back Up Your iOS Device to iCloud or Your Mac. Under Win/Mac/NFS tab, enable the NFS by tick the box in front of Enable NFS and click Apply to save the settings. If the folder on the NAS isn’t mounted, Personal Backup will mount it and run the backup. Others can be used as media repositories, with the ability to stream music and photos; for example, you could store your iTunes or Music app library on a NAS. And for those of you who also need help setting up your Synology NAS before connecting, please have a look at step two, three and four in this 'Easy way' article we wrote previously by clicking the link below: Easy way to connect your Synology NAS to Windows computer.
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