As both he and the students were carried away, it quickly got out of control in a matter of days. When one student asked how so many people could blindly obey such a regime, he decided that a demonstration would be the best answer. Ron Jones. So, their history teacher, Ron Jones, organized a class project designed to demonstrate the appeal of fascism. Ron Jones hatte als 26-jähriger Lehrer der Cubberley High School in Palo Alto seinen Schülern zeigen wollen, wieso so viele Deutsche Hitler gefolgt waren. Photo courtesy of … Učitel dějepisu Ron Jones (1967) byl u studentů velmi oblíbený Hned na začátku studentům řekl, že s nimi chce vyzkoušet experiment: „Ti, kteří se experimentu zúčastní úspěšně, dostanou jedničku. Why? Terms in this set (5) Who started the experiment? It was 1967 at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto California. Why? Where? When? When? The Third Wave (now known simply as The Wave), was the infamous 1967 California classroom experiment in fascism by high school history teacher Ron Jones. Who started the experiment? The experiment was conducted at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California during the 1967 school year. Jones was a … He introduced them to a movement he called The Third Wave, based on discipline and community. The Third Wave experiment was similar, but is considerably less well-known. Where? Because of a question a student asked. Auf seinem Experiment … 1967. More than 40 years after the Third Wave experiment, Ron Jones describes how the fascist movement was born one day in 1967 in the documentary "Lesson Plan." At the school in Palo Alto, California. At the school in Palo Alto, California. The latter is about an experiment he ran in his Cubberley High School classroom in 1967, when he was a 25-year-old history teacher in Palo Alto, California. In 1967, Ron Jones was teaching his class about what life was like in Germany leading up to World War II. Ron Jones was the teacher who began the experiment with students in his "Contemporary World" History class as part of a study of Nazi Ron Jones. Ron Jones Werdegang: Ron Jones wurde 1941 in San Francisco geboren und studierte an der Stanford University Pädagogik und internationale Beziehungen. 1967. ... 1967. Während seines ersten Jahrs als Geschichtslehrer in Palo Alto an der Cubberley High School führte er 1967 zusammen mit seinen Schülern das „The Third Wave“-Experiment durch. For Ron Jones, the answer was to show his students and not tell them. In 1967, Ron Jones, a young teacher at Cubberley High School, decided to try an innovative method to teach his students about fascism.
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