This basic online contact us form is quite affordable bundled with rich features. This is the place to start. Qikify is a trusted Shopify Expert with over 15,000 users. Change of contact form fields 1. Even if you edit the HTML and Liquid code and additional form fields appear on the form, the data in these fields typically will not be collected properly. Open the Sticky Floating Contact Form settings from your Shopify dashboard and click on any field. Form settings are easy to use and you can setup email specific auto responder emails. If you want to use another email address, then you can use a free online service like Wufoo or Jotform to create a custom contact form to embed on your contact page. The form builder’s intuitive interface makes customization a … if you have received anther email can you please use any app or custom form. Click on Contact Form and then "Add content": The drop-down allows you to add custom form fields. Change recipient email address . The most obvious (and important!) This mobile-friendly and easy-to-use Shopify app enables you to customize your contact form fields, colors, or backgrounds that suit your needs without any coding required. Find the answers you need from the Shopify … The form Liquid tag generates an HTML