Katja Kraus hat sich getraut. Aujourd’hui, à 09:39. Jetzt leitet sie den neuen, zehnköpfigen Digitalrat der … Das Statistics Cookies collect information anonymously. Ein Mitarbeiter der damaligen Staatssekretärin im Bundesministerium der Verteidigung Katrin Suder hat offenbar dafür gesorgt, dass ein Bekannter der heute 47-Jährigen einen Auftrag der Bundeswehr erhielt. At McKinsey, Suder oversaw consulting projects at the German Federal Employment Agency, a number of federal ministries, as well as leading European companies in the telecommunications, software and information technology sector. During that period, Suder also earned a BA in German Literature and Theatre studies. Katrin Suder ist eine deutsche Unternehmensberaterin. Unter anderem leitet sie den Digitalrat der Bundesregierung, ein Expertengremium zum Thema. The cookie is used by cdn services like CloudFare to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. Im Profil von Kathrin Soeder ist 1 Job angegeben. Challenges in International Security: Far-right Extremism in the World Today, Symposium redefines four essential aspects of a “smart city”, Being European: The need for higher education leadership, Personal statement by President Henrik Enderlein, CIVICA: European University of Social Sciences, Explore | Our new home from 2024, the historic Robert Koch Forum, Alumni: An ever-expanding, global network. Katrin oversaw German as well as international consulting projects with focus on leading companies and institutions in the telecommunications, software and information technology sector spanning strategy, governance & organization, IT/technology as well as transformation and large-scale projects. Katrin Suder, Vorsitzende des Digitalrates der Bundesregierung; Staatssekretärin a.D. Caroline Weimann , Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin, Join Politics Begleitung: Tiaji Maynell Sio Helga Lukoschat , Vorstandsvorsitzende der Europäischen Akademie für Frauen in … In 2007, she became head of McKinsey's Berlin office, and in 2010 she was put in charge of their Public Sector Practice in Germany. Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg > Veränderte Bedrohungslagen, massive Krisen Veränderte Bedrohungslagen, massive Krisen HSU 26. Katrin Suder has been State Secretary for the German Federal Ministry of Defence since August 2014. Data is processed in the USA. This does not mean it is illegal for them to make Ein Mitarbeiter der damaligen Staatssekretärin im Bundesministerium der Verteidigung Katrin Suder hat offenbar dafür gesorgt, dass ein Bekannter der heute 47-Jährigen einen Auftrag der Bundeswehr erhielt. Katrin Suder Partner at Macro Advisory Partners Location: Hamburg Area, Germany Add to My Lists. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Imane’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Publication récente de la Page. 1 Career; 2 Consultancy scandal; 3 Bilderberg in official capacity; 4 Event Participated in; 5 References; Career. Seit Frühjahr 2017 ist Kraus verheiratet mit der Diplomphysikerin Katrin Suder (46). You can find more information on this and also on possible risks of data processing in the USA, make individual settings or prohibit certain data processings by selecting. Auch ihr Privatleben hat sie neu sortiert. Aujourd’hui, à 09:07. Leben. 2000 wurde sie in Neuroinformatik an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum promoviert.Dort erwarb Suder auch einen Bachelor in Theater-und Sprachwissenschaften.Sie war Stipendiatin der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes.. Ab 2000 arbeitete Suder für die Unternehmensberatung McKinsey und übernahm 2007 das Berliner Büro der Firma. Suder konnte sich nach eigenen Angaben nur an wenig aus der fraglichen Zeit erinnern, was bei Teilen der Oppositionsvertreter zu Erstaunen führte, da Suder für ihr gutes Gedächtnis bekannt war. Thank you for accessing our content on the Topio Networks Market Intelligence Center. Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte Technically required cookies are absolutely necessary for the functioning of our website. Katrin Suder is listed as an insider in the following companies: NET / Cloudflare, Inc. Class A common stock, par value $0.001 per share Insiders are officers, directors, or significant investors in a company. "Kinder und Karriere: Ja, es ist verflucht schwer", sagt Suder. We want to make sure you get the most out of our platform. Im Untersuchungsausschuss zur Berateraffäre stehen entscheidende Wochen bevor: Am Donnerstag muss die ehemalige Staatssekretärin Katrin Suder als … Katrin Suder, 2019 Von Jan Michalko / re:publica from Germany - re:publica 19 - Day 2, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link Es sei eine täglich neue Herausforderung, ihre Spitzenjobs und ihr … See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Katrina’s connections and jobs at similar companies. The school offers master’s programmes, executive education and doctoral programmes, distinguished by interdisciplinary and practice-oriented teaching, as well as outstanding research. Katrin Suder. The school was founded in 2004 by the Hertie Foundation, which remains its major funder. Sie war von 2014 bis 2018 beamtete Staatssekretärin im Bundesministerium der Verteidigung. So you're interested in the MIA, MPP or MDS but don't know where to start? In 2012 she was elected director. Katrin also serves as Chairperson of the Advisory Council on Digitalisation to the German Federal Government and a board member of Apleona. Katja Kraus (born 23 November 1970, in Offenbach am Main) is a German former footballer player and official.She was the first German woman to be a board member of a Fußball-Bundesliga club, Hamburger SV. Die Vorsitzende des Digitalrats der Bundesregierung war vier Jahre lang Staatssekretärin im Bundesverteidi-AGV- TOP-MANAGERINNEN-KONFERENZ Die … How to build a European regulator to govern social media platforms? Hamburg/Berlin. In der Öffentlichkeit bekannt wurde Suder, als die frühere We’ll take you through the process step by step. Most recently she sold 13,000 units of NET stock worth $501,150 on 11 August 2020.. ・Hamburg Süd輸入Detentionフリータイム変更に関するご案内 2020.11.30 ・新型コロナウィルス感染拡大防止について(No.10) 2020.11.06 ・Auckland向けPort Congestion Surcahge導入に関して 2020.11.02 ・New Zealand向け Wie er es schafft, die Mannschaft sportlich auf Kurs zu halten, obwohl sich der Klub hinter seinem Rücken gerade in seine Bestandteile zerlegt, ist bewundernswert. It is illegal for insiders to make trades in their companies based on specific, non-public information. Take a closer look at the admissions process, student life and more. ZEIT für Hamburg. From 2000 to 2014, she worked for the management consulting firm McKinsey & Co. Show more . Data is processed in the USA. Katrin worked for McKinsey & Company from 2000 to 2014. Katrin Sury Verbindungsoffizier und … We thank Dr. Suder for taking the time to engage in a very lively discussion with our members on how digitalization can become successful. Katrin Suder is Chairperson of the Advisory Council on Digitalisation to the German Federal Government. ZEIT ONLINE. Thank you for your continued support. Data is processed in the USA. This tool enables the storage of your user decision on cookies on our website. From the year 2000, Suder worked for the management consultancy McKinsey & Company and took over the leadership of company's Berlin office in 2007. Chairperson, Advisory Council on Digitalisation to the German Federal Government In addition, we then incorporate social media content from third party providers. In 2007, she became Head of McKinsey’s Berlin office, and in 2010 she was put in charge of their Public Sector Practice in Germany. Der frühere HSV-Vorstand und Fußballnationaltorhüterin hat bereits Anfang des Monats ihre Lebensgefährtin Katrin Suder … She joined McKinsey & Company in October 2000 as a management … For the latest episode of my podcast “Die Boss”, I spoke to not just one but two women in leading positions: Katrin Suder and Katja Krauss. From 2000 to 2014, she worked for the management consulting firm McKinsey & Co. Hamburg/Berlin. She serves on the Board of Trustees of the Hertie School of Governance and Save the Children. From August 2014 until April 2018, she served as State Secretary for the German Federal Ministry of Defence, responsible for armament, cyber & IT, as well as planning matters. Katrin Suder entwirft eine Digitalstrategie für Deutschland. Das View the profiles of professionals named "Suder" on LinkedIn. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Kathrin Soeder im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Katrin Suder is Chairperson of the Advisory Council on Digitalisation to the German Federal Government. Hier erklärt die Regierungsberaterin, wo es hingehen muss. From August 2014 until April 2018, she served as State Secretary for the German Federal Ministry of Defence. Rubén Palomino is on Facebook. Katrina has 1 job listed on their profile. Katrin Kalden Impact Driven Entrepreneur, CEO /Chief Innovation Architect @BLOCKCHAIN WERKSTATT INC, Inclusive Smart City Solutions Expert New York, NY. Hier leben und arbeiten 5,3 Millionen Menschen im Schnittpunkt der wichtigsten europäischen Verkehrsachsen zwischen Katrin Suder has been an Advisor to EQT since 2018. Heute entwickelt sie die Digitalstrategie der Regierung. Doch ihre Vergangenheit holt sie ein. Soundcloud Embedding: This is used to integrate the podcast into our website. The cookie is set when the visitor is presented a Pardot form. View Imane Saidi’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Zum Vernetzen anmelden Dieses Profil melden Aktivitäten "Digitalisierung ist weiblich!" In addition, Katrin lead several knowledge initiatives, especially focusing on diversity. wusste Katrin Suder zu berichten. She focussed on transformational work especially around technology and IT. General purpose platform session cookies that are used to maintain users' state across page requests. Katrin Suder ist Aufsichtsrätin und Beraterin für Wirtschaft und Politik. Katrin Suder is Chairwoman of the Digital Council of the Federal Government. View the profiles of professionals named "Katrin" on LinkedIn. Join Facebook to connect with Rubén Palomino and others you may know. August 2020 Staatssekretärin Dr. Katrin Suder am 9. Katrin holds a PhD in Computational Neuroscience from the University of Bochum (2000). Spotify Embedding: This is used to integrate the podcast into our website. Zuerst einmal muss man Coach Thioune ein großes Kompliment machen. März 2018 diskutierte Dr. Katrin Suder, Staatssekretärin im Bundesministerium der Verteidigung,… Jan 22 2018 Call for Papers: (Aus)Bildungskongress der Bundeswehr … However, please note that the use of technically required cookies is mandatory for the functionality of the website. The Hertie School is accredited by the state and the German Science Council. Um das zu vereinen, sagen sie im stern-Podcast, brauche es vor allem eines: Humor. This cookie is used for identifying the geographical location by country of the user. She was in charge of the Berlin office from 2007 and of the German Public Sector Practice from 2010. Katja Kraus is, among many other things, a national goalkeeper-turned-CEO of Jung von Matt/Sports in Hamburg. ZEIT Österreich. Katrin joined MAP in early 2019 and brings to the firm and our clients over two decades of strategy consulting and leadership experience as well as her deep expertise in technology, digitalisation and corporate strategy. In order to be able to display content from video platforms and social media platforms, cookies are set by these external media. Denn im … We look forward to providing you with even more cutting-edge market research, as Topio Networks. Als Nachfolger der ausscheidenden Rüstungsstaatssekretärin Katrin Suder wurde Generalleutnant Benedikt Zimmer benannt, der in den vergangenen vier Jahren als Abteilungsleiter Rüstung direkt an Suder … There are 900+ professionals named "Suder", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. This is used to integrate videos into the website. After graduating from RWTH Aachen University with a degree in Physics, she earned her PhD in Computational Neuroscience from the University of Bochum in 2000.
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