If we can find you in the database, an email will be sent to your email address, with instructions how to get access again. M.util.js_pending("core/first");require(['core/first'], function() { paths: { What are Moodle resources? "Playback Rate": "Playback Rate", "Font Family": "Schriftfamilie", To reset your password, submit your username or your email address below. "No compatible source was found for this media. ; ": "{1} wird geladen. [CDATA[ loader.setUp(function(videojs) { }); "Text": "Text", If we can find you in the database, an email will be sent to your email address, with instructions how to get access again. "Caption Settings Dialog": "Einstellungsdialog für Untertitel", (function() {Y.use("moodle-filter_mathjaxloader-loader",function() {M.filter_mathjaxloader.configure({"mathjaxconfig":"\nMathJax.Hub.Config({\n config: [\"Accessible.js\", \"Safe.js\"],\n errorSettings: { message: [\"!\"] },\n skipStartupTypeset: true,\n messageStyle: \"none\"\n});\n","lang":"en"}); "Depressed": "Gedrückt", require(['theme_boost/form-display-errors'], function(module) { M.util.js_pending('core/page_global'); require(['core/page_global'], function(amd) {amd.init(); M.util.js_complete('core/page_global');});M.util.js_complete("core/first"); "End of dialog window. require(['jquery', 'core/custom_interaction_events'], function($, CustomEvents) { //. "Raised": "Erhoben", ","confirmation":"Best\u00e4tigung"},"debug":{"debuginfo":"Debug-Info","line":"Zeile","stacktrace":"Stack trace"},"langconfig":{"labelsep":":\u00a0"}}; "descriptions settings": "descriptions settings", ": "Der Videodownload ist aufgrund eines Netzwerkfehlers fehlgeschlagen. "Stream Type": "Streamtyp", "Duration": "Duration", ; Zusätzlich stehen Community-Bereiche zur Verfügung, in denen Sie Fragen stellen und über die Nutzung von Moodle … ", "Progress": "Progress", "subtitles settings": "Untertiteleinstellungen", videojs.options.flash.swf = "https://moodle.hcu-hamburg.de/media/player/videojs/videojs/video-js.swf"; Anmelden können Sie sich über die moodle Lernplattform der HCU, Sie benötigen dazu Ihre HCU-Kennung und Passwort. }); }); Get Started. ","confirm":"Confirm","areyousure":"Are you sure? Finally, select a date range and, optionally, an account to download transactions for, and click "Download". Home; Registry configuration summary; Data retention summary. "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. ", // Anmeldung zu den Crashkursen in moodle. You may need to re-register to update your details there." }); "descriptions off": "Beschreibungen aus", Thank you "Playback Rate": "Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit", if (typeof ignore === typeof undefined) { "White": "Weiß", "Subtitles": "Subtitles", "Progress": "Status", "Chapters": "Chapters", ", M.str = {"moodle":{"lastmodified":"Last modified","name":"Name","error":"Error","info":"Information","yes":"Yes","no":"No","cancel":"Cancel","changesmadereallygoaway":"You have made changes. "captions settings": "Untertiteleinstellungen", ","closebuttontitle":"Close","unknownerror":"Unknown error","file":"File","url":"URL"},"repository":{"type":"Type","size":"Size","invalidjson":"Invalid JSON string","nofilesattached":"No files attached","filepicker":"File picker","logout":"Logout","nofilesavailable":"No files available","norepositoriesavailable":"Sorry, none of your current repositories can return files in the required format. "Current Time": "Aktueller Zeitpunkt", ", "Replay": "Erneut abspielen", Next, click on the "Options" link near the top and select the appropriate "Download to" option. ", "Close": "Schließen", Purpose Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen "Volume Level": "Lautstärke", M.util.js_complete('theme_boost/drawer'); "Casual": "Zwanglos", ", "restore all settings to the default values": "restore all settings to the default values", baseUrl : 'https://moodle.hcu-hamburg.de/lib/requirejs.php/1607349410/', ": "The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it. "None": "None", "Black": "Black", Moodle is Hesston College's Learning Management Software (LMS), the online spot where professors post documents, share videos, collect student work, and record grades. "Background": "Hintergrund", M.util.js_pending('core/page_global'); require(['core/page_global'], function(amd) {amd.init(); M.util.js_complete('core/page_global');});M.util.js_complete("core/first"); M.util.help_popups.setup(Y); ": "Das Video konnte nicht geladen werden, da entweder ein Server- oder Netzwerkfehler auftrat oder das Format nicht unterstützt wird. It is a web application that allows professors to post course materials (such as documents, discussion boards, assignments, video and audio) online making them convenient and available to students around the … if (typeof ignore === typeof undefined) { ", }, Certain areas may have more specific categories and purposes than those listed here. "Video Player": "Video-Player", "Play": "Wiedergabe", '*': { process: 'core/first' }, } ", jqueryui: 'https://moodle.hcu-hamburg.de/lib/javascript.php/1607349410/lib/jquery/ui-1.12.1/jquery-ui.min', ", "Proportional Serif": "Proportional Serif", "Loaded": "Geladen", //
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