Secretary of State and Minister for Church Affairs (Minister für Kirchenfragen) in Nazi Germany. He was released on 19 August 1965. April bis 11. Juli 1944 und der weiteren SS-Führer in diesen Rängen. Drei Wochen später waren fast alle Entflohenen ihren Häschern ins Netz gegangen. Ordered deported 21 July 1995. Nur elf Geflohene überlebten die Hetzjagd. Son of SS Brigadeführer Friedemann Götze. Born 1911.A Higher Regional Court Councillor from Neustadt an der Weinstraße, In 1957 during the trial of March 1945 Arnsberg Massacre, he denied his own complicity and testified as a witness for the prosecusion. Commander of the, SS-Gruppenführer, Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS und Polizei, politician, and Beauftragter des Reichsführer-SS Albanien (special representative of the Reichsführer SS in Albania), Born 22 Sept 1899. From 15 August 1944 forward, he was chief of RSHA Amt V, the Criminal Police (, He made contributions to advanced German tank designs: Tiger I, Tiger II, and the Elefant, as well as the super-heavy Panzer VIII Maus tank, which was never put into production. Gestapowiec, który szachował Podziemie", "Numery członków SS od 193 000 do 193 999", "Numery członków SS od 177 000 do 177 999", National Socialist Workers' Party (Sweden), German National Socialist Workers' Party (Czechoslovakia), National Italo-Romanian Cultural and Economic Movement, Nationalsozialistischer Reichsbund für Leibesübungen, Union of Young Fascists – Vanguard (boys), Union of Young Fascists – Vanguard (girls), National Socialist German Students' League, Persecution of Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2015, Articles with disputed statements from April 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. executed 30 January 1946 War crimes. Guard at Trawniki concentration camp and Treblinka labor camp; member of SS Battalion Streibel. Had Honorary SS Rank. Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS, Born 26 July 1900. Born 11 June 1899. Born 27 April 1915. Ordered deported from US 30 December 1986. Commuted 21 January 1950. As of 1940 he was also. From August 1943 to September 1944 he was head of the state police in Düsseldorf. Was the desk officer for Jewish affair (Judenreferent) at the German Embassy in Paris France. sowjetischer oFFiziere aus deM Kz Mauthausen und die «Mühlviertler hasenjagd». Hallo Menschen, Herr Erdogan will seine Türkei unbedingt in die EU einbringen. Auflistung der SS-Führer im Generalsrang der Waffen-SS entsprechend der Dienstaltersliste der Waffen-SS vom 1. Participated in executions of Poles and Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto ruins. Committed suicide 18 April 1945, "Reichsarzt-SS"; also a major general (Generalmajor) in the Waffen-SS, Chief of Medical Office of the Waffen-SS. Ihre Opfer wurden oft vor den Augen der anderen Häftlinge getötet. In 1928 he was a member of the Freikorps. "Dachauer Schule": Born 16. Rassistische Hierarchie: Sowjetische Kriegsgefangene behandelten Wehrmacht und NS-Bürokratie durchweg schlechter als britische oder amerikanische. Misselwitz was arrested and imprisoned for a short time, and offered to be a spy among the inmates, starting in early 1946. Born 7 August 1910. died 14 November 1967, Former leader of the National Socialist Group in Estonia. Dezember 1888 in Esslingen am Neckar;Gauleiter of Württemberg-Hohenzollern, and from early 1933 held the offices of State President and Reichsstatthalter ("Reich Governor") of Württemberg. In 1932 he joined the NSDAP and the SS. Tötungsmaschinerie: Über hunderttausend Menschen wurden zwischen 1938 und 1945 im Konzentrationslager Mauthausen ermordet. Sentenced to four years in prison on 5 May 1961;sat in Neumünster for six months, Born 8 June 1909. A senior staff member of the. Signatur im Bundesarchiv: Bild 192-188 Leere Baracke: Am Tag nach dem Ausbruch fotografierte der SS-Erkennungsdienst für Propagandazwecke die leeren Baracken und hielt damit die katastrophalen Lebensbedingungen der Häftlinge fest. Born 1 October 1903 At the Pohl trial sentenced to 20 years – reduced to 15 years. Ordered deported from US 10 May 2005. Born 23. Assignments: EG A, RSHA III B; Leiter Hauptaussenstelle der SIPO und des SD in Baranowitschi, VI 1942 – 11 X 1943. Killed in Auschwitz revolt 7 October 1944, b.5 July 1922; Guard KZ Mauthausen; executed 27 May 1947 Landsberg Prison, Born 10 January 1923. Head of Aachen Gestapo in 1935 and head of Frankfort Gestapo 1936–1941. Lt in the Estonian Security Police and the SD. SS-Karstwehr Battalion KIA 19 February 1944. However application never completed (Nazi conspiracy and aggression vol VI pp. The second and last commandant of the, SD officer in Poland; portrayed in the film, On 2 July 1934 killed SS-Oberabschnittsreiterführer Anton von Hohberg and Buchwald. In April 1941, he was commissioned on the proposal of Martin Bormann, who was friends with him, to set up a library within the framework of the "Guide Library" (Sonderauftrag) of Linz. Joined SD 1934. Die Häftlinge hatten die Wahl zwischen dem sicheren Ende im Todesblock und der leisen Hoffnung, ihren Peinigern doch noch zu entkommen. Stub: 9 November 1937; Staff: 17.3.38; Führer 37 SS – Standarte (Linz): 12.3 – 31.12.1938; Reichstag deputy 1938–1944; b. Stab SS – Oberabschnitt Nordost: 1.1 – 7.2.1939; m.d.F. Born 27 November 1900, Berlin. Died 11 November 1981. Died 16 May 1989. Auch Zivilisten und Mitglieder des Volkssturms töteten in einem regelrechten Blutrausch. Reported to have died 1983, Born 11.06.1905; Muehlhausen. Alexander war schockiert über die Kaltblütigkeit der gefangenen genommenen Aufseher und SS-Offiziere. SS rank Sturmmann;Assigned to KZ, Born 20.12.1924. ENGEL headed the SS DTS Research Center for Jet Drive in Großendorf near Gdansk. 1980, born 12.10.1895.Usf 20.4.35 Osf 11.9.38 attached to Stammabteilung bezirk 16, Born 03.02.1901 in Dresden.KdS Warschau. Das Leben in den Konzentrationslagern war ein andauerndes Martyrium für die Gefangenen - und endete oftmals mit dem Tod. On 12 December, it was lowered to 5 years. Acquitted in 1948 I.G. A French collaborator during World War II who was awarded both the Croix de Guerre by France, and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross by Nazi Germany. Deputy commander of the, Born 25 August 1919. Died 7 December 1980, Deputy governor Central Government on Kraków; attended, Born 30 October 1882, Strassburg {France} Involved with the, Promoted by Himmler to this rank on 2 May 1945 (unofficial)/Commander of the Waffen SS division "Wallonie", Born 29 June 1905. Doctor at KZ Auschwitz. Served at KZ, Born 10 July 1903. Stationed at KZ Auschwitz.Arrested August 1961 and sentenced to four and a half years in prison for "joint aid to the common murder" and to the loss of civil honour rights to four years. Commandant SD-Aussenstelle Groningen. Arrested April 1959; tried 1963–1964; released from prison 1968. Member of staffs of KZ Dachau, KZ Auschwitz, and KZ Flossenbürg. Director and Chief Head of all crematoria. Born 1924. Im September 1939 war er im Stab der Einsatzgruppe II in Polen eingesetzt, danach war er als Kripochef in Kattowitz und ab 1941 in Königsberg (Preußen) tätig. Arent was appointed "Reichsbühnenbildner" ("Reich stage designer") in 1936 and "Reichsbeauftragter für die Mode" ("Reich agent for fashion") in 1939. Surrendered at the Battle of Berlin 2 May 1945. SS und ganz normale Bürger jagten und ermordeten die Flüchtlinge gnadenlos. Died 28 September 1944, SS-Cavalry General, Eva Braun's brother-in-law. Journalist and commissioner at the Reich Ministry for the People's Enlightenment and Propaganda. US Army Air Corps deserter/airplane thief and SS propaganda officer; member of. Verborgen vor der Wehrmachtsbürokratie wurden geflohene und wieder ergriffene Offiziere der Roten Armee systematisch liquidiert. During 1936, von der Heyde became the advisor for nitrogen and agriculture in the Political-Economic Policy Department (WIPO, Wirtschaftspolitische Abteilung) of the I.G. 1 and considered supreme commander of the entire SS (Oberster Führer der Schutzstaffel: Literally, "Supreme Leader of the SS") by virtue of his position as the Führer of Germany. Died 14 October 1956, Born 17.3.1897 Grieskirchen. Member of the Freikorps. In 1934 he obtained a scholarship in Prague to study German Human Sciences, but was arrested for spying and deported to Germany. Im nahen Schloss Marbach waren SS-Offiziere einquartiert. Lived in Tunis from 1961 and remained there – at least until the 1980s – as a discussion scout for the BND. Platoon leader at KZ Treblinka, Ordered deported from US 28 December 1984.Deported to Germany in 1993; Germany suspended its investigation of him in 1999, by which time he had died, Born 1912. "Die Fenster wurden aufgerissen, und wie eine Lawine stürzten sich ein halbes tausend Tapfere in Richtung Maschinengewehrfeuer", erinnerte sich Vladimir Nikolaevic Sepetja, der zu den Männern gehörte, die in dieser Nacht aus Block 20 ausbrechen wollten. Commander and overseer of Livac-Zapolje, Usora-Soli and Posavje provinces. on 9 November 1941. Served in 1st SS Division, Leader of the SS group ordered to blow up the castle. Guard and attack dog handler at the Auschwitz concentration camp in Nazi-occupied Poland, the Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany and at Buchenwald's Laura subcamp. Mit dem "Kugel-Erlass" vom März 1944 spitzte sich die Lage für sie allerdings noch weiter zu. Joined SS As "Paul Henchel". In größter Eile schoben, zogen und hievten sie sich gegenseitig über die Mauer, durchliefen die dahinter stehenden Drahtzäune und rannten der Freiheit entgegen. Zum digitalen Bildarchiv des Bundesarchivs, Abschreckung: Die Lagerleitung gab sich keine Mühe, die willkürlichen Morde zu verbergen. Nicknamed, Born 20 October 1891. Following is the list of persons holding the title positions as well as actual highest ranks of the Schutzstaffel (SS) since the earliest inception of the armed SS units in Nazi Germany. B. Oflag II C Wold… Released 1986; died 1988, born 2 September 1908. Sentenced to 20 years in Einsatzgruppen Trial; commuted to 15 years January 1951-released 9 January 1954. SS Death's Head Battalion guard at the Sachsenhausen and Natzweiler concentration camps.Ordered Deported from US 8 April 2005; Died in 2007 in Des Moines, Iowa before deportation proceedings could begin. released 10.12.1959, Born 18.11.1907 in Berlin. Born 1891. In August 1944 presided over a secret meeting with German industrialists to using assets to rebuild Germany in the postwar period. Found guilty reduced in rank to SS Mann and dismissed 24 July 1934; succeeded in office by, SS Rank Jäger, SS-Karstwehr Battalion KIA 19.02.1944, Born 19 March 1905. In charge of gas chambers at, Born 20 March 1923. SS economist at the Higher SS and Police Leader office for southern Russia. Ordered deported from US 9 April 1997. Died 25 February 2003, Born 10 July 1916. Nazi Race theorist Died 7 November 1978, Born 2 October 1905. Guard at Trawniki concentration camp and Bełżec extermination camp; participated in liquidation of Białystok ghetto; member of SS-Battalion Streibel. Immigrated to Germany and became member of SS Reiter Troop; attached to SS Oberabschnitt Nord; became a Sturmbannführer on 23 June 1934. Involved in the, Born 25 May 1882. 168. Staatssekretär / SS-Obergruppenführer /Staatsrat / Generalforstmeister /Major der Reserve (Luftwaffe), Honorary SS Member. Die Schutzstaffel (SS) war eine nationalsozialistische Organisation in der Weimarer Republik und der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus, die der NSDAP und Adolf Hitler als Herrschafts- und Unterdrückungsinstrument diente. April 1912 in Ungarn (später Burgenland, Österreich), war der wichtigste Helfer Adolf Eichmanns bei der „Endlösung der Judenfrage“. Also worked in Department of jewish affairs as a "jewish specialist" with Adolf Eichmann. Born 05 IX 1890 Dragass/Dragacz]SS-Hauptsturmführer und Kriminalrat; headed briefly the Referat IV B in 1942. Born 13 August 1894. SS rank Rottenführer. Died 16 June 1969, Born 4 November 1893 At Pohl Trial sentenced 10 years. SS-Death's Head Battalion guard at Auschwitz concentration camp. Dutch Collaborator who joined the Waffen SS. d.29 Dec 1969, Born 11 May 1919.SS-Hstuf and Chef,8./Pz.Rgt.2 in Nov 1943. Born 25 April 1921. Born 5 February 1906. SS-Brigadeführer and Generalmajor der Polizei. An Austrian aerospace designer and was responsible for the most powerful turboprop engine ever built, the, Born 13 February 1908 in Stettin, died 29 July 1944 at Narva (suicide) Waffen-SS Officer, Born 29 May 1889. Hitler's Personal physician. Militärgeschichte. Trawniki concentration camp guard. Es folgte ein erbarmungsloses Gemetzel an den wehrlosen Flüchtlingen, das im Nazi-Jargon als "Mühlviertler Hasenjagd" bekannt wurde. On 10 April 1948 Nosske was sentenced to life imprisonment for war crimes. Gauliter of Vienna. suicide 07.07.1945 in Scheveningen (prison, Born 05 XI 1898 Karlowitz/Karłowice. Co-founder of the SS, personal assistant to Hitler. Served In Austrian Army in World War I. Age 19 Waffen-SS member; later chairman of, Born 04.04.1920. 13 March 1920, in Warsaw. Died 8 November 1986, Tried and executed 26 July 1946 in killing U.S. SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Polizei. Served in the staff of the. KZ Guard. Served in German Police. State Minister of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia 1943–1945, Reichsarzt SS and Polizei; Head of German Red Cross; son in law of SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS Siegfried Taubert. 20 Apr.1939; Einsatzkommando B – in Poland Sep. 1939;Promoted on 20 Apr. Served in Einsatzkommando 3 and 4b 22 June 1941 – 2 October 1941. On 25 March 1946 he was sentenced to death by a Soviet Military Tribunal, a special form of a, Born 17.01.1908. Ein anderer Mann erstach einen Entflohenen, den seine Frau im Stall entdeckt hatte, mit dem Taschenmesser. SS-Karstwehr Battalion KIA 19.02.1944, Born 3 March 1900.SS rank Rottenführereich. Die Wachmannschaft schöpfte aber Verdacht. Born. Born 20 March 1887. Anglo-German ethnic. After his replacement in 1944, he became the successor to the district president Hans Burkhardt in the district Hohensalza in Reichsgau Wartheland. Killed in a riding accident 26 January 1935. born 5 April 1894. Während Häftlinge am Haus arbeiteten, spielten die Kinder der Offiziere im Garten. Remained in the United States until his death in 2014, as no country was found that would accept him. Fled to Germany in late 1994, where he died in 1997, Born 22.09.1905.SS Rank Mann. Guard at Trawniki, Poniatowa, and Dorohucza concentration camps; member of SS-Battalion Striebel. Im Februar 1945 überwältigten KZ-Häftlinge in Mauthausen ihre Bewacher und flohen in die Freiheit. Died on 19 XII 1954 in Paderborn. Sie wurden nicht in den offiziellen Häftlingslisten des KZ geführt. Tried 1965, released 1971. His military service; 2 August 1914 to 1 February 1919 F.A.R 31.; Alleged to have been member of, SS officer and assistant to Josef Bühler, born as Erwin Hermann Lambert, Born 29.10.1903 Stettin. Born 30 November 1906 in Berlin. Commander of SS-Unterführerschule Posen-Treskau 1 May 1943 – fall 1943. Das dritte Offizierslager im zweiten Wehrkreis erhielt demzufolge die Bezeichnung Oflag II C. Allerdings gab es von diesem System zahlreiche Abweichungen. Der Kaufmann Leopold Böhmberger geriet in Rage, weil Gendarmen in Schwertberg sieben Häftlinge entgegen dem ausgegebenen Befehl festgesetzt und nicht ermordet hatten. Born 13 MArch 1893. 256 3568-PS) becoming. Joined the NSDAP and SS in 1932 and began working for the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the intelligence service of the SS. KZ Mauthaushen. Killed in action 1943, Born 19 April 1887.Generaldirektor der Nationalbiobliothek in Wien 1938 - 1945. Was bringt das aber dem türkischen Volk ein? Ordered deported from US 14 April 2004. Acquitted Pohl trial, On staff of the SS "Race and Settlement Central Agency". He was last reported at Lilienfeld, April 1945. Fled to West Germany in August 1989; living in Croatia as of 2014 and died 2016, Born 20.11.1911. Unbeschreibliche Szenen spielten sich ab. SS-Karstwehr Battalion KIA 19.02.1944, Born 2 December 1898 in Amsterdam – died 10 February 1970 in Roosendaal, born 23.11.1912 in Köln. Died in Latvia in 2008, Born 1918. February 1915. In June 1944 he was released from active service. Member of the Institute for Hygiene of the Waffen-SS and author of the. Promoted to SS-Untersturmführer on 12-09-1937, Born 08.03.1904 in Elmschenhagen. Ihre Tage mussten sie von 6 Uhr morgens bis 20 Uhr abends auf dem winzigen Hof verbringen. Denn die deutschen Invasoren benutzten die Bezeichnung "Partisan" oft, um einen Vorwand zu haben geflohene Zivilisten, - auch Alte, Frauen und Kinder - umzubringen. Disappeared 1945-fate unknown. Became head Referat IV 1 (former IV A) KdS Warschau in May 1944(seriously wounded on 20 VII 1944 during a riot in the Gefängnis der SIPO und des SD "Pawiak"; died 24 IV 1947 Praha], Born 22 April 1914. sentenced to 12 years imprisonment 12.04.1949 in 's-Hertogenbosch (released 28.08.1951). SS-Karstwehr Battalion KIA 19.02.1944, Born 1913. Hangman of KZ Buchenwald. Tried 1979 with Herbert Hagen and Erich Heinrichsohn. Die Leichen blieben liegen so wie sie fielen.". SS Rank Sturmmann. Chief of Propaganda, Born 9 August 1899. BBL 14/41; head of the Vilnius Gestapo 2–42 till 10–43; shot and killed. Reserve captain retd. SS-Karstwehr Battalion KIA 19.02.1944, Born 1925. member of Waffen SS; also Guard KZ Buchenwald and KZ Auschwitz. Commandant of the concentration camp, Born 15 August 1904. Died 8 April 1945 (Suicide), Oldest member of SS – born 29 December 1862, Post World War II member of the Gehlen Organiation, Born 8 January 1905. Ernst Misselwitz ran the interrogation and torture chamber in Paris Gestapo HQ. Served in World War I 1918. Died 20-3-1976, Born 14 May 1901. Died 14 July 1949, Gorn 22 January 1898. 1943 became a German citizen. Died 29 March 1991. Died 28 September 2015. Commander of Einsatzkommando 6/. Postwar served a Jail sentence for War Crimes. Senior NCO of the Auschwitz, Born 21 January 1915. Served " a guard and later commander at the Sachsenburg and Dachau Nazi death camps from 1934 to 1939." Tried. Other members included the SS-Totenkopfverbände (SS-TV), which ran the Nazi concentration and extermination camps. Kriminalrat der Polizei. Promoted to Oberführer 31 July 1933 as administrative chief over the SD Main Office and the Race and Settlement Office. He was awarded the Iron Cross in 1941. At subcamp Muehldorf August 1944 until 1945. Tried for war crimes in 1968. Executed 3 December 1944, Born: 18 July 1889 in Eschwege near Kassel in Germany. Arrested 1947-sentenced to 8 years; 1949 sentence changed to 13 years. Februar 1945 war daher reine Verzweiflungstat. In ihren Verantwortungsbereich fielen ab 1934 Betrieb und Verwaltung von Konzentrations-, ab 1941 auch von Vernichtungslagern, sie war sowohl an der Planung wie an der Durchführung des Holocausts und anderer Völkermorde vorrangig beteiligt. Involved Action T-4 and, Born 9 February 1908; Executed 4 July 1946 for War Crimes, Born 9 July 1907; Executed 11 October 1946 for War Crimes, Born 20 May 1907. Head of Unit IV D 2(General Government Affairs in the Reich) in the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) and Headed Einsatzkommando 10b as SS-Obersturmbannführer und Oberregierungsrat [March 1943-January 1945] in Croatia; postwar worked for the British Army of the Rhine after the war, but the British blacklisted him for security reasons in 1951; became Intelligence Adviser for Egypt President Gamal Abdel Nasser, Born 19 March 1906. Killed 16 Nov 1943 at Gralimki, Born 8 February 1892. Im Februar 1945 überwältigten KZ-Häftlinge in Mauthausen ihre Bewacher und stürmten in die Freiheit. Guard at Mauthausen, St. Georgen, Kraków, and Auschwitz concentration camps Ordered deported from US 27 November 1989. Served in SS 1930s. Died sometime after 1980. Im Februar 1945 überwältigten KZ-Häftlinge in Mauthausen ihre Bewacher und flohen in die Freiheit. With 34th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Landstorm Nederland; commander in the Waffen SS during World War II who was awarded the German Cross in Gold. Wounded and captured in the Ardennes Battles December 1944. SS Death's Head Battalion guard at Mauthausen concentration camp Ordered deported from US 13 July 1987. The camp moved to the headquarters staff of KZ Hinzert, where he was adjutant to the commandant of the camp, Paul Sporrenberga. SS-Karstwehr Battalion KIA 19.02.1944, Born 1925. service in the SS Death's Head Battalion and at Birkenau. Gauleiter, SS-Obergruppenführer and Higher SS and Police Leader of the SS-Oberabschnitt Fulda-Werra. released 01.03.1956, Born 24 March 1915. He died 2013, Born 1907.SS-Death's Head guard at Stutthof, Kauen, and Gotenhafen concentration camps.