The Associated API Key can use imported, or local server generated API Keys, assigned to a product, and then assigned when an order is placed for that product. WooCommerce API Manager v2.2.8 Make Recurring Income Selling Software or Services. If you are thinking of a customer-centric system for your software products, WooCommerce API Manager plugin might be really useful for you. The API Keys page displays the unique Master API Key that can be used to activate any, and all, API Resources, and the API Resources table. Also, make sure you know what the latest WordPress, WooCommerce, and WooCommerce API Manager requirements are for versions of PHP and MySQL, as outdated versions can and will cause issues. Mean requests per second 13.03, which is 781.8 per minute, or 46,908 per hour. This URL has details required by Amazon S3 to authenticate the download request using the IAM user account information created to limit access to read-only Amazon S3, the file being requested, and an expiration time. The remaining fields are docs linked to plugin “view details” tabs. Do not talk about how nothing is working, how much it is costing you, or blame the software. SmartCache allows the API Manager to effortlessly scale to any level of traffic load. A node-locked license is an API key for use on one computer, and is tied only to that computer. Time to complete test was 19.105 seconds. Do not cache query strings, since query strings are used in API requests, and must always be unique, not cached copies of previous requests or the API requests will break. A bucket can be organized into folders if needed. All other data entered in the parent product API tab is copied into the corresponding fields for each variation to make data entry easier across multiple variations. The first step is to make sure all plugins, themes, and theme template overrides are up-to-date. The WooCommerce API Manager makes it easy to customize each specific product by using the API settings form. How you create an instance ID is up to you. If a data update does not seem to be completing, it could be because the server does not have enough RAM or CPUs to handle the normal workload, and an update as well. Description. Contact the developer using the official support form to request a coupon to purchase the PHP Library for a 65% discount. Test first, backup, and be prepared before upgrading. WooCommerce API Manager Features : Automatically generated API License Key emailed to customer after transaction success; Amazon S3 is fully integrated to serve software files with secure links that expire. Now click Add Statement, then Generate Policy, and copy the resulting code snippet. ), Activation is accomplished through the authentication of an API Key. Required keys if authenticating: api_key, product_id, plugin_name, instance, version. Once the product is activated, a notice is displayed for the customer to activate the plugin or theme. It is also possible to give an existing customer a product for free by creating an order assigned to the customer, and adding the product for zero cost., Error log message: AH01071: Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Warning: Error while sending QUERY packet …. Unlimited activations must have a value set, such as 1000. There are several differences with the API tab on a Variable type product. All API products are virtual, and can be sold as a service, software, or whatever the product represents in the virtual space. We Purchase And Download From Original Authors, EXACT same Extension being distributed by For Theme Go to: WordPress Admin > Themes > Add New then tap Upload Theme then Choose (The Theme) you downloaded. Our websites and dashboards use cookies—by continuing, you agree to their use. WooCommerce is developer friendly, too. When upgrading from API Manager pre 2.0 to 2.0 or greater, the data is migrated to custom database tables and the old data is deleted. SSD hard drive that comes standard on DigitalOcean servers. For this to work however, the store domain must be added to Drop-ins domains, and the settings under the Details tab must be set as well. The WooCommerce API Manager comes with an example plugin, an example theme, and pre-built PHP classes to speed development. The updater in the API Manager monitors the memory usage to make sure it never exceeds 90%, and it will pause if it does then starts again where it left off. The WooCommerce API Manager PHP Library for Plugins and Themes is available to current WooCommerce API Manager subscribers for a discounted price of $70, regular price is $200. Save to Dropbox App Key: This creates a Save to Dropbox link in the My Account > My API Downloads section where customers can save their download directly to their Dropbox account. Send API Resource Data: More detailed information about the product can be sent if this option is on, although it is not required. Subscriptions not in Active or Pending Cancellation status, and orders not in completed status, or processing status if other conditions are met, will have the API Key activations, and API Resources, deleted. Client software, such as the API Manager PHP Library, must authenticate using a Master API Key, or a Product Order API Key, and the Product ID unique to every product in the WooCommerce store. The WooCommerce API Manager PHP Library for Plugins and Themes with the code needed to connect a plugin or theme to the PHP Library after it has been dropped into the plugin or theme. has their own chat and support/communication form used to contact them directly. It is good practice to update the PHP version before the end-of-life where that version is no longer supported even with security fixes. Terms & Conditions. Required keys if not authenticating: product_id, plugin_name. EYEWP.COM is not involved in the development of any item that is listed. A floating license is an API Key that can be used to unlock a computer or software if there is a free license available. As of version 2.1, the request key has been changed to wc_am_action. There is a link to create the Dropbox app key following the Save to Dropbox App Key setting on the API Manager settings screen. If the client is using a Product Order API Key then the client needs to change the Product ID and the Product Order API Key, or download new software that has the Product ID, to reactivate the API Key. New activations require a new unique instance ID. The file download URL is wrapped in a secure URL that expires after the expire time you set. On step 3 of the create bucket wizard the screenshot above was displayed, then 6 hours later the screenshot below was displayed, but either way accept the default settings as there are no changes needed. Purpose: Data returned depends on if the request was authenticated or not. If a customer purchases a product with a guest account the API Manager will fail for that purchased API Resource. Some required query string keys such as plugin_name and slug are used for WordPress plugin and theme software updates. The number one rule to remember is to ALWAYS BACKUP your website before updating to a Major or Minor version. If the home page URL is cached, the APIs will break if the query string requests are also cached. The WooCommerce API Manager comes with an example plugin, an example theme, and pre-built PHP classes to speed development. For example: Non WordPress Software: Use something with a similar format. The WooCommerce REST API works on a key system to control access. The API resources for this product will not have the Activation Limit lowered if it is decreased. The product would be hosted on a WooCommerce server with WooCommerce API Manager generating the API Key, and authenticating access via the APIs. These IP addresses can be either IPv4 or IPv6. The API Manager verifies the API Key activation should still exists, and deletes it if it should not, due to an expired time limit or inactive subscription, before returning a response. All resources are limited. Mean requests per second 25.51, which is 1,530.6 per minute, or 91,836 per hour. The API Access Expires form field will not be displayed on the Simple Subscription and Variable Subscription products created by the WooCommerce Subscription plugin, because those products will already have a subscription time limit set. Click on Overview and select the file that was uploaded. Under the Variations tab a Default Form Value will need to be set as shown below. Custom User Registration Fields for WooCommerce 1.6.6, All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions 3.1.26, WooCommerce Additional Variation Images 1.9.0. WooCommerce API Manager Version 2.3.4. was released on September 12, 2020 … Our websites and dashboards use cookies—by continuing, you agree to their use. WooCommerce API Manager turns WooCommerce Products into an API Resource that can be accessed with an API Key, aka License Key. Prior to API Manager 2.0 an alphanumeric Software Title was used to find the correct product so the download file URL could be used for software updates and My Account > API Downloads. Make sure to check the product itself, because the API checkbox should be checked on the Product edit screen, or an API Resource will not be created when the product is purchased. EXACT same Products being distributed by The official website of Developers, We have Discounts and Discount Coupons constantly. Actions. ), error logs for clues as to what errors are preventing the update process from completing. In the table below, each of the same product is grouped together, even if they were purchased on different orders, and their API Key activations available are totalled together. The Associated API Keys are not displayed in the My Account dashboard, or on the backend Order screen, at this time. Review the WooCommerce Self-Service Guide. If the product is an API product and a WooCommerce Subscription, the API Resource will not be displayed in the Order screen API Resources meta box, be available to the customer via the API, or be displayed in the My Account dashboard, if the subscription has expired. Page URL: For WordPress plugins this is the plugin homepage. REQUIRED: WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.3, if it is installed and active. Visit our FAQs for more information. Same as wc_am_action=information, except the response format is serialized, which is required to work with WordPress plugin and theme update requests that use the pre-2.0 API Manager PHP Library. Response times for requests are measured in milliseconds. Once this option is enabled, customers who already purchased this product will have their API Key activation limit increased to match the limit value that is set, but the update is only triggered when the customer data for the product is pulled from the database, such as when the customer views the My Account dashboard > API Key tab. The WooCommerce API Manager PHP Library for Plugins and Themes is a PHP Library that can be dropped into a plugin and theme for API Key authentication and software updates with the WooCommerce API Manager. If the product_id is left blank the customer enters the product_id, if the product_id is hard coded, then the customer will not need to enter the product_id. Please read for more information on how adding/changing Downloadable files URLs on products after WooCommerce 3.0 would cause download/update URLs to stop working. The API Access Expires form field only displays on the Simple product API tab form, and on the variation API form for a Variable product, but not on the Variable product parent API tab form. The WooCommerce API Manager Nulled secures your software with API Key activations/deactivations, and provides automatic updates of plugins and themes to increase customer satisfaction and convenience. WooCommerce API Manager Product Tabs adds WooCommerce API Manager product document tabs to the frontend product page when using a theme that supports tabs, for example Storefront theme and Divi theme. That you would get if you purchased it from its author at its regular price. The forward slash at the end of the URL should be taken into account when building the query string so that there is not a double forward slash (//) between the root URL and the query string. To create a pull-down menu on the frontend product page a custom product attribute is needed. External/Affiliate products are placeholder products that link to an external product, and therefore cannot be API products. This is an example. Next is a list of the request values with additional required keys each API function requires, along with other details. Mean time per request of 39.023 ms (milliseconds), which is 0.039023 seconds. A preconfigured Postman .json file collection template is included to make it easy to test the API functions. A disabled Master API Key means no access to API Resources for the customer. 500 API request with 1 request concurrency. – WooCommerce API Manager is a WooCommerce Extensions being developed by Woothemes. This is why not hard coding the product_id is the preferred method for variable product variations as shown in the next example. Go to WooCommerce > Status > Logs > and check for any fatal-errors … logs. The record is searched for using the API Key and Product ID, so check to make sure both of those values are correct on the Order screen API Resources meta box, or the API Keys tab in the customer’s My Account dashboard. There is no ability to rollback, or downgrade, to the older version. WooCommerce API Manager lets you secure your software with an API key by acting as the WooCommerce Software License Manager. The file used for software updates can be hosted on the local server, Amazon S3, or from any remote URL. The second option is to use an Amazon S3 URL, which requires further setup for the API Manager to create the Amazon S3 secure URLs. In the previous example the file is a zip file, so the Content-Type was set to application/zip. If the order is placed back into completed status, or processing status if other conditions are met, the API Resources will be recreated, but the API Key activations will not, which also applies to a subscription that returns to Active status. When a version goes from something like 1.5.4 to 2.0 that is a Major version, and it means there are breaking changes, so testing is highly recommended, if not required, before applying that update to a live site. Referer to the Simple product setup for a description of all other form fields. The ampersand (&) cancontenates the next key=value to the query string. At the end of this URL + query string any added keys and values would be added using ampersand (&), so it would look something like this: It is always best practice for subscription customers to use the Master API Key. Using the PHP Library The API Manager provides Access Key ID and Secret Access Key form fields on the settings screen, and the Secret Access Key is encrypted when saved in the database, however it is much more secure to define the constants below, and add them to the wp-config.php file. Misconfigured web servers, firewalls, or file blocking rules in a plugin or the web server can also cause file download failures. At the moment, there should only be one download file on the product, with any future uploads replacing the previous, because the API Manager will find the most recent upload for downloads and software updates. ORIGINAL: EXACT same Extension being distributed by The code snippet below is a working copy of the code needed. Version: The currently available software version in the store. Variable Products and Variable Subscriptions must send the Product ID (an integer) or software updates will break. Note: If the return value for status_check is active, or for activated is true, then the time limit has not expired and the API Key is still active. Required keys if not authenticating: product_id, plugin_name. These tabs are displayed for the WordPress plugin information screen. See changelog for latest changes. Product Order API Key and Associated API Key are granted limited privileges by the Master API Key. December 16, 2020. One of the issues in using the woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions table began in WooCommerce version 3.0. Going forward only use the Product ID. Server URL, and keys/values, will need to be modified specific to your product and server. This helps avoid using root keys that have access to all services connected with the AWS account. Templates in the WooCommerce API Manager can be overridden using the same approach as is used to override a WooCommerce template. The result is a dramatic speed increase, and a dramatic decrease in server load. esc_html__( 'Details from get_resources() method. If a Subscription has been switched to a different Variable Subscription product variation, the API Resources and API Resource Activations will be displayed on the Switched Subscription order screen rather than the parent order screen, and the Product Order API Key will change, but the Master API Key will remain unchanged. Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for your WooCommerce products. After the bucket is created, click on the bucket and follow the screenshots below to upload a file. Easy updates is a powerful marketing tool that only a handful of companies have been able to offer, until now. The WooCommerce API Manager PHP Library for Plugins and Themes allows WordPress plugins and themes to do automatic updates, and to communicate with all the API Manager APIs to complete tasks such as activation, deactivation, etc. Remember to keep the same file name or the Link will have to be changed in the product. To create or manage keys for a specific WordPress user, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > REST API. Once the number of variation products has been created, and the Variable product has been updated with the API tab on the parent product filled out, each variation product will have the same form fields populated, except for the Activation Limit. However, we do not provide any technical support at this discounted price. the files do not pass through the "third hands", so we can guarantee that you get the original product! Not required for non WordPress software. If Unlimited Activations is selected, then Activation Limit is hidden. Select the S3 Bucket Policy from the pull-down menu, which should automatically select the Amazon S3 for the AWS Service in the form. If you are into software selling business, then API Manager is the best companion for you. If set under settings, the Product Order API Key will also be displayed, however the default is to only show the Master API Key. All products work on an unlimited number of websites (domains) (unlimited license). The api-keys and api-downloads are the slug portion of the URL leading to those pages under the My Account dashboard. The only task remaining is to update your client software or service to connect to the WooCommerce API Manager APIs.