I would like to hear from experts here what are the settings that I need to choose to receive the monthly updates plus the future upgrades. How to cleanup wsus once the products and classification changed . As such, I've gone into our WSUS console and enabled Windows 10 in the Products and Classifications section; however, our Windows 10 machines are not picking up any updates. Utilisez la procédure de cette section uniquement sur le site de niveau supérieur. In this example, we configure WSUS to download all update classifications, and we will choose to only support Exchange Server 2003, Office 2003, and the Windows Server 2003 family.. 1. We've helped reduce the number of manual steps you have to take for the new product in Configuration Manager version 1906. Ces mises à jour sâaffichent dans la console Configuration Manager. Use the procedure from this section only on the top-level site. In the navigation pane, expand Enterprise > Update Services and select your WSUS server. Sélectionnez le site dâadministration centrale ou le site principal autonome.Select the central administration site or the stand-alone primary site. Une fois les mises à niveau de Windows Insider synchronisées, vous pouvez les voir dans Bibliothèque de logiciels > Maintenance de Windows 10 > Toutes les mises à jour Windows 10.Once the upgrades for Windows Insiders are synchronized, you can see them from Software Library > Windows 10 Servicing > All Windows 10 Updates. Exchange. The update will automatically synchronize with WSUS if you have the Windows 10, version 1903 and later product and Upgrades classification selected for synchronization. Sélectionnez le site dâadministration centrale ou le site principal autonome. You can download Feature Updates and Cumulative Updates for Windows Insider Preview builds into Configuration Manager just like any other Windows 10 update or upgrade. For example, if Windows Server 2012 is the only operating system that you selected, and if a software update applies to Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, both products are displayed in the Configuration Manager console. Windows 10 version 1909 partage un noyau de système d’exploitation commun avec Windows 10 version 1903. If prompted, click Yes to run this task. We've helped reduce the number of manual steps you have to take for the new product in Configuration Manager version 1906. It's highly recommended to upgrade or migrate to a current version of the operating systems as soon as possible to receive client management support. – [Help] ergänzt um WSUS GPO Informationen – [Help] Infos zu Windows und WSUS Versionen – [Help] erweiterte „WSUS Hilfe“ – ergänzt um erweiterte Versions Info: BulidLabEx – Auswertung von Anti Virus Regkey – Aktualisierung des Microsoft WSUS Script: .\Bin\ResetWUEng.cmd auf Version But not all of the features are available in Windows Server Update Services (WSUS); hence the installation of Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) 1809 on WSUS clients will fail. 4517245 is "Feature Update to Windows 10 Version 1909 x64-based systems 2019-11 via Enablement Package", so it is different than all previous version updates. Starting in Configuration Manager 2010, you'll be notified in-console about devices with operating systems that are past the end of support date and that are no longer eligible to receive security updates. This is just like all other previous installations for Feature Updates that you've done for Windows 10. Une famille de produits est le système de d'exploitation ou l'application de base d'où sont issus les produits individuels.A product family is the base operating system or application from which the individual products are derived. When setting up an ADR, the latest product I can select is (Windows 10, version 1903 and later), however that doesn't include the aforementioned updates. Windows 10, versions 1903 and 1909 share a common core operating system with an identical set of system files. On the Home tab, in the Settings group, click Configure Site Components, and then click Software Update Point. Ainsi, les données de conformité affichées dans la console Configuration Manager et dans les rapports Configuration Manager ne sont pas correctes.This results in incorrect compliance data displayed in the Configuration Manager console and in Configuration Manager reports. Win 10 and later upgrade & service drivers usw. You can deploy the Cumulative Updates for Windows Insider using your regular software update process like using automatic deployment rules or phased deployments. Windows 10 GDR-DU LP. The reason behind this change, as Microsoft stated, Configuration Manager stocke une liste de produits et de familles de produits que vous pouvez choisir quand vous installez le point de mise à jour logicielle pour la première fois.Configuration Manager stores a list of products and product families from which you can choose when you first install the software update point. La synchronisation permet de mettre à jour la liste des produits et des familles de produits pouvant être sélectionnés.Products and product families that are released after Configuration Manager is released might not be available to select until you complete software updates synchronization, which updates the list of available products and product families from which you can choose. Windows 10 and Anniversary Update Drivers. Pour vérifier que vos clients Windows 10 version 1909 et Windows 10 version 1903 installent les mises à jour à partir de Configuration Manager :To make sure both your Windows 10 version 1909 and Windows 10, version 1903 clients install updates from Configuration Manager: Quand vous approuvez les mises à jour des fonctionnalités pour Windows 10 version 1909, différentes options sont visibles :When you approve feature updates for Windows 10, version 1909, there are a few different options you'll see: Les clients Windows 10 version 1903 se voient proposer un package dâactivation, publié le 12 novembre 2019.Windows 10, version 1903 clients are offered an Enablement Package, released November 12, 2019. Nous avons réduit le nombre dâétapes manuelles que vous devez effectuer pour le nouveau produit dans Configuration Manager version 1906. Ces informations sont fournies pour des raisons pratiques et sont uniquement destinées à une utilisation en interne dans votre entreprise. Open WSUS administrator console, go to Options > Products and Classifications. Pendant le processus de synchronisation, les métadonnées des mises à jour logicielles pour les classifications spécifiées sont synchronisées. This change means you can manage these devices without changing your normal processes or enabling Windows Update for Business. Activer les mises à niveau et mises à jour de Windows Insider, Enable Windows Insider upgrades and updates. Excel. You need to enable the products and classifications for Windows Insider upgrades and updates. Select the central administration site or the stand-alone primary site. I'm talking about regular updates (which it is doing for Windows 10 1803 and below). Les mises à jour cumulatives Windows Insider font partie de la catégorie de produit Préversion Windows Insider et sont classifiées en tant que Mises à jour de sécurité ou Mises à jour.The Windows Insider Cumulative updates are in the Windows Insider Pre-Release product category and classified as either Security Updates or Updates. Windows 10 and later upgrade drivers. An update rollup generally addresses a specific area, such as a security or product component. Yammer. L'inscription et faire des offres sont gratuits. The cumulative update installation files are the same for both the 1909 and 1903 versions of Windows 10. The updates have different titles and applicability rules for each OS version. Manage Surface drivers with Configuration Manager, Windows 10, version 1909 delivery options, Publishing pre-release Windows 10 Feature Updates to WSUS, disable Dynamic Update in client settings, Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC), latest released version of Configuration Manager current branch. No. Plus le nombre de produits que vous sélectionnez est important, plus la durée de synchronisation des mises à jour logicielles est longue. Windows 10, version 1909 shares a common core operating system with Windows 10, version 1903. Client management features not related to Windows software update management or OS deployment will no longer be tested on the operating systems covered under the ESU program and we don't guarantee that they'll continue to function. z.B. To make sure both your Windows 10 version 1909 and Windows 10, version 1903 clients install updates from Configuration Manager: When you approve feature updates for Windows 10, version 1909, there are a few different options you'll see: Windows 10, version 1903 clients are offered an Enablement Package, released November 12, 2019. The update is named Feature Update to Windows 10, version 1909. There are license terms, your deployment must accept the terms in order to install. Archived . Dans la console Configuration Manager, accédez à Administration > Configuration de site > Sites.In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to Administration > Site Configuration > Sites. Wenn man Updates für Windows 10 mit WSUS verteilen möchte, ... (Windows 7 und Windows Embedded Standard 7), stieg die Zahl der Produkte, die man in WSUS für Windows 8.1 abonnieren konnte, bereits auf 7 (inklusive RT). If you are using Configuration Manager 1902 with Windows 10,version 1903 clients, you'll need to: Starting in September 2019, you can service and update devices running Windows Insider Preview builds with Configuration Manager. This update is only available through the other release channels. Un produit est une édition spécifique dâun système dâexploitation ou dâune application (par exemple, Windows Server 2012).A product is a specific edition of an operating system or application, such as Windows Server 2012. Les mises à jour de sécurité publiées dans le cadre du programme ESU seront publiées sur Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).Security updates released under the ESU program will be published to Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). Dynamic Update automatically installs critical updates, including the latest Cumulative Update, directly from Microsoft Update. à compter de Configuration Manager 2010, vous recevez une notification dans la console concernant les appareils qui ont un système dâexploitation ayant dépassé la date de fin de support et qui ne peuvent plus recevoir les mises à jour de sécurité.Starting in Configuration Manager 2010, you'll be notified in-console about devices with operating systems that are past the end of support date and that are no longer eligible to receive security updates. Si vous utilisez Configuration Manager 1902 avec des clients Windows 10 version 1903, vous devez :If you are using Configuration Manager 1902 with Windows 10,version 1903 clients, you'll need to: à partir de septembre 2019, vous pouvez mettre à jour des appareils exécutant des préversions de Windows Insider et assurer leur maintenance avec Configuration Manager.Starting in September 2019, you can service and update devices running Windows Insider Preview builds with Configuration Manager. SCOM and WSUS currently have a dozen Windows 10 “products” listed but the descriptions are useless. A product family is the base operating system or application from which the individual products are derived. In the Actions menu, select Products and Classifications. Posted by 3 years ago. Les mises à jour des fonctionnalités, les mises à jour cumulatives et dâautres mises à jour pour Windows Insider se trouvent dans la catégorie de produit Préversion Windows Insider.Feature Updates, Cumulative updates, and other updates for Windows Insider are under the Windows Insider Pre-Release product category. Une fois que vous avez synchronisé les mises à jour logicielles pour la première fois, ou lorsque de nouveaux produits et classifications sont disponibles, vous devez accéder aux propriétés pour sélectionner les nouveaux éléments.After you synchronize software updates for the first time, or when new products and classifications are released, you must go to the properties to select the new items. Toutefois, vous devez garder à lâesprit les éléments suivants quand vous déployez ces mises à jour des fonctionnalités :However, you'll want to keep the following items in mind when you're deploying these Feature Updates: Pour plus dâinformations sur le déploiement des mises à niveau, consultez Gérer Windows as a service.For more information on how to deploy upgrades, see Manage Windows as a service. Products that are beyond their support lifecycle aren't supported for use with Configuration Manager. This behavior started with Feature Updates for Windows 10 version 1903. Tous les points de mise à jour logicielle doivent fonctionner sur Windows Server 2016 ou une version ultérieure pour pouvoir synchroniser les pilotes Surface. Configuration Manager provides the ability to synchronize software updates with the following update classifications: You can select the Include Microsoft Surface drivers and firmware updates checkbox to synchronize Microsoft Surface drivers. I'm talking about regular updates (which it is doing for Windows 10 1803 and below). Microsoft Teams. In WSUS, there's like a dozen Windows 10 Products you can pick from. While products that are covered under the ESU program are no longer supported for use with Configuration Manager, the latest released version of Configuration Manager current branch can be used to deploy and install Windows security updates released under the program.