It's probably the best shot show on TV right now, every scene looks stunning. By Bill Bradley. When Better Call Saul's first episode titled "Uno" aired on February 8, 2015, it not only topped the AMC performance charts but also set the record as the most-watched scripted series premiere in US cable history.It was obvious that viewers had really missed being immersed in the drama-packed Breaking Bad universe. RELATED: Better Call Saul: 5 Breaking Bad Details Explained (& 5 … Thankfully, Better Call Saul Season 1 was even better than expected — and part of what made it so fun for fans was looking for the Breaking Bad Easter Eggs … 10 Deleted Scenes Cut From Quentin Tarantino Movies. ... Aztec Easter egg in Season 2 Blu-Ray. Every week, the hunt is on. Warning - spoilers for both series! These are the best. 13. Did you catch these items that link back to people, places and things found in "Breaking Bad"? While Mike attempts to track down Pryce's stolen baseball cards, Jimmy must defend him when the police call him in for further questioning. Season 2 of "Better Call Saul" premieres Monday, Feb. 15, at 10 p.m. Season 2 of the "Breaking Bad" spinoff "Better Call Saul," which premiered Monday night, has Jimmy McGill (Bob Odenkirk) showing flashes of his future alter ego, Saul Goodman.After initially rejecting a cushy job at the law firm Davis & Maine, Odenkirk's character enlists Kim (Rhea Seehorn) to help him run a scam on a stock trader, tricking him into buying them expensive shots of tequila. 'Better Call Saul' Season 2 Will Reveal More 'Breaking Bad' Easter Eggs. He was in that thing." The ten-episode season was broadcast on Monday nights in the United States on AMC.A spin-off-prequel of Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul was created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould, both of whom also worked on Breaking Bad. 15 Clever Breaking Bad Easter Eggs Hiding in Better Call Saul. Posted by. AMC confirmed that the actor was, in fact, playing the same character in their online Story Sync feature. Season 2 is off to a hell of a start. NCTJ-qualified journalist. Did you catch all the Breaking Bad callbacks? Better Call Saul Season 3 Episode 10: References and Easter Eggs Features Follow along each week as we find every Easter egg, secret and pop culture reference in Better Call Saul season 3. BY Karen Han. Press J to jump to the feed. Archived. The devil is, of course, in the detail. Better Call Saul season 2 finale: "Klick" shows 5 ways the series has become a great one The drama, already good, took another big step up in its second year. While these callbacks are the most explicit, the season so far has also featured little hints at other parts of the shared world of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. In its first season, Better Call Saul did the seemingly impossible — the show stepped out from under the shadow of its parent series Breaking Bad to become its own unique entity that still manages to live in the same world as Breaking Bad, but tells an entirely different story while still being a great television show in its own right. Don’t miss all-new episodes of Better Call Saul Mondays at 9/8c. For keen-eyed viewers, 'Better Call Saul' is packed with Easter eggs that make direct reference to the 'Breaking Bad' universe. 268. Here are seven “Breaking Bad” Easter eggs from the first two episodes: 1. Where one show will have two scenes, Better Call has one. Check out 15 awesome Breaking Bad easter eggs in Better Call Saul season 2. The Vampire Diaries Quiz: How Well Do You Really Know Caroline Forbes? And it packs so much in. There will be SPOILERS. (Author PDAZ) r/betterCallSaul: A subreddit for the Breaking Bad spinoff "better Call Saul" starring Bob Odenkirk. Better Call Saul Easter Eggs: Season 5, Episode 2 Find out how Krazy-8 got his name and see the first-ever glimpse of Saul and his infamous Bluetooth. Better Call Saul rounded off Season 2 with a finale that was, in keeping with the rest of this second run, extremely close to being perfection. [ Catch up with the first season of Better Call Saul on Netflix , or watch Season Two on , Amazon Video or iTunes ] Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Joe reenacts an iconic Jesse Pinkman moment from Season 5’s “Live Free or Die,” when Jesse comes up with the plan to use … The Hardest Friends Christmas Quiz On The Internet! Walter White was a good man turned corrupt; Jimmy McGill is a corrupt man trying to be good. With that attention to detail and connection to the Breaking Bad world, it's no surprise that it's packed full of Easter Eggs, and these are the best of them. 2020 Bustle Digital Group. Tragic, yes, but close to perfect nonetheless. Most definitely not a racing driver. [This is a review of Better Call Saul season 2, episode 1. That guy! Don’t miss all-new episodes of Better Call Saul Mondays at 9/8c. Better Call Saul S5, E2 Better Call Saul Easter Eggs: Season 5, Episode 2 Find out how Krazy-8 got his name and see the first-ever glimpse of Saul and his infamous Bluetooth. Video Extra The second season of the American television series Better Call Saul premiered on February 15, 2016, and concluded on April 18, 2016. Thankfully, Jimmy and Kim's bottle was not poisoned. S2, Ep3 29 Feb. 2016 Tragic, yes, but close to perfect nonetheless. Where a show will have a quick shot, Better Call Saul lingers. Close. Back Next. Tune in next week, lawbreakers! Friends: The Impossible Central Perk Quiz. Saul’s Best Case Scenario. When each "Better Call Saul" episode hits the air), a certain segment of its audience answers the call. Here are some Breaking Bad easter eggs from the first two episodes of the second season of Better Call Saul that you may have missed. ... Bob Odenkirk as Saul Goodman and Rhea Seehorn as Kim - Better Call Saul _ Season 2, Episode 1 - For someone named Ken "Wins," this recurring character seems to lose an awful lot. Better Call Saul contains some incredible performances, not least from Bob Odenkirk in the lead role, a rare actor you can make you laugh one minute and break your heart the next. While the first season was very good, this took what it built and turned it into what is the best show of 2016 so far. Seen on Sky News; featured in The Guardian, NY Times, The Independent and more. Did you catch these items that link back to people, places and things found in Breaking Bad? After the home of drug dealer and Hummer-enthusiast Daniel is broken into, the "playuh" calls the Albuquerque police to come take a look around. All rights reserved. As Better Call Saul's timeline gets closer to Breaking Bad, fans should expect these shows to cross over more and more — Walter White has to show up and ruin Saul's life eventually, so everyone knows how this ends, but the journey to that fall is proving to be just as exciting. One of these cops is Officer Saxton, played by actor Stoney Westmoreland. 40,000+ articles posted by thousands of contributors spanning the entire cultural spectrum. With Better Call Saul, sometimes nothing happens, and yet, at the same time, everything happens. Better Call Saul rounded off Season 2 with a finale that was, in keeping with the rest of this second run, extremely close to being perfection. ]-Perhaps the most noteworthy takeaway from season 1 of Better Call Saul was not its connection to Breaking Bad, or the feeling that, even though Walter White was nowhere to be found, his presence hung over the launch of the series like a porkpie hat-wearing cloud of smoke. ET on AMC. When Jimmy receives a gift of a "World's 2nd Best Lawyer" mug, Tumblr user heisenbergchronicles recognizes that it will be replaced with a "World's Greatest Lawyer" mug at some point. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. In Better Call Saul, Ken Wins is seen again, this time talking loudly at a bar and becoming victim to a small con performed by Jimmy and Kim. a fan-favorite character may be showing up. The creators of "Better Call Saul" included quite a few Easter eggs in the show during season two. AMC For "Breaking Bad" fans, AMC's spinoff series has been Saul good, man. ‘Better Call Saul’ Season 2, Episode 7 Review: Wolves and sheep ... 'BETTER CALL SAUL' STEMMED FROM LAST-MINUTE PLAN B IN 'BREAKING BAD' WRITERS ROOM, SAY CREATORS. While not always a fast paced series, there was a sense of it moving forwards. The creators of Better Call Saul included quite a few Easter eggs in the show during season two. … As if seeing a long-forgotten face wasn't enough of a callback, Ken Wins also brings the return of a very special bottle of a very special tequila. With season 3 almost here and season 2 on safely on Netflix where it belongs, we’ve decided to catalogue all the easter eggs we could find from Better Call Saul season 2. You Missed These 'Breaking Bad' Easter Eggs In 'Better Call Saul' Check out this exclusive video from AMC. In celebration of the
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