Universe 6 Earth Super Not sure if this has been talked about or not but I was thinking did Beerus only wish back earth so that Champa can enjoy the food or maybe there are some strong fighters in u6s earth? When Team Universe 6 lost in the Tournament of Power, Earth was erased with the rest of Universe 6. The following is a list of significant locations as translated from the above map, with edits made for context. However, he is the shortest of his group, he is very short compared to each of them in height. Though less common, intelligent anthropomorphic (and sometimes non-anthropomorphic) animals are integrated into the population, and are well-adjusted and accepted as people (such as Oolong and Puar). The gates of Hell are also opened by Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu, but eventually closed. The team consists of Botamo, Frost, Auta Magetta, Cabba, and Hit, with Champa and Vados as the team's supervisors. Sometime after the battle against Golden Frieza, Goku is sparring with Vegeta on Beerus' Planet which is being supervised by Whis. Earthlings (地球人, Chikyūjin) are primarily humans. Her plans were later used by Senbei's rival, Dr. Mashirito, to create a male Android name Obotchaman (originally Caramel Man 004) though he ultimately becomes Arale's love interest and eventual husband. Inhabitants During Dragon Ball Super’s Universe 6 Saga, Beerus’ team of Universe 7 warriors (Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Monaka) had to go up against Botamo, Auta Magetta, Frost, Cabba, and Hit. This Is the Super Saiyan? Main article: Wars and Conflicts in Earth History, Earth during the destruction of East City. AndroidsAnimalsDemonsGirasEarthlingsJigglersMachine Mutants[1][2]Majin[3]Namekians[3]Neko Majin[4]Saibamen[3]SaiyansYardrats[3] The planet seemed to be in a tense state. Additionally, the field of bioengineering and robotics are notably advanced with Dr. Wheelo and Dr. Gero being noted experts in these fields. Dr. Gero continued to develop more Androids and even developed a method of turning Earthlings into Androids with limitless energy while also having Android 19 convert Dr. Gero into an Energy Absorption model named Android 20. The Earth! While abandoning the variations of his Saiyan armor, he still wears a dark blue, one-size bodysuit, borrowing the white gloves and boots from his original armor. In Dragon Ball GT, the Machine Mutant Giru comes to reside in Earth with Pan after the Baby Saga and in Dragon Ball Heroes and World Mission, the Capsule Corporation is shown to have mass produced copies of Giru called Hero Robot which includes Poll and the Super Hero Robo that are used in Dragon Ball Heroes and Super Dragon Ball Heroes respectively which is part of an in-universe card based video game series based upon the Dragon Ball Carddass trading cards. Throughout most of Dragon Ball, the God of the Earth is Kami (called Guardian of the Earth in the English dubs), but later that position was given to Dende after Kami had fused with Piccolo to battle the androids and Cell. When he transforms into Super Buu, he is able to effect a nearly perfect genocide upon the Earth with a single attack. These two students, Master Roshi and Master Shen, and Mutaito "managed to live to fight another day and went their separate ways" until Mutaito's rematch with Piccolo, by which time most of Earth's population had been eradicated by the evil Namekian. Senbei Norimaki also created a powerful yet nearsighted Android girl named Arale Norimaki. [7] The standard currency is Zeni, which is mostly mentioned at the World Martial Arts Tournament, and Dragon Ball Z Budokai series. Between the 6th and 7th Universe, seven Super Dragon Balls are scattered thought out them. Goku and Vegeta fight on even terms until Vegeta got angry and went Super Saiyan Blue. In the "VizBig" edition of the manga, when Master Roshi first mentions the Kame-hame-ha, on Frypan, Oolong mumbles about the king of Hawaii, whose name is "Kamehameha". Reality names were reused several times. Over the course of the series, the Earth and its population go through many trials and tribulations. In the Dragon Ball universe, all planets benefit from an appointed deity. Because both Kami and Dende are Namekian, they have the ability to create seven Dragon Balls, which can grant wishes if all seven are collected. However, in its sequel, Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’, after Frieza is revived, he destroys North City and the Earth as a last resort in order to defeat Vegeta, killing him and the planet's inhabitants, but it was eventually brought back by Whis, who reversed time by three minutes, and then Frieza is ultimately killed at the hands of Goku in the process. Toriyama himself has admitted to lack of forethought or planning when it comes to the details of the Dragon Ball story, which accounts for some of the strange occurrences. This makes Necke one of the few Namekians living on Earth after most of his race relocated to New Namek. When we think about it, Universe 6 and 7 are said to be the opposite of each other, we can clearly see this with Beerus and Whis whose the exact opposite of Champa and Vados, so we see that Earth in Dragon Ball is a peacefull place, where everyone is happy, but this is Universe 7, so that would mean that in Earth #6, it wasn't peace, it was a place with wars, so maybe, if Earth #6 is our Earth, it means that a 3rd World War had happened and it destroyed the humanity, leaving a lifeless planet to decay in space, and if some think this might be far-fetched, I think it's pretty realistic AND I'M TOTALLY NOT TALKING ABOUT THE CONFLICT ABOUT USA AND NORTH COREA. Dr. Wheelo managed to develop Dr. Kochin, one of the earliest Mechanical-type Androids ever created on Earth while Dr. Gero developed Androids for the Red Ribbon Army though Android 8 eventually rebelled. Even so, the anthropomorphic population sees a drastic and noticeable decline over the course of the series, but it never goes away completely. Earth is Planet 4032-Green-877, and is part of Universe 7. Episode 32. When the evil Shadow Dragons attack, Earth and its population once again come close to extinction, only to once again be saved by the Dragon Team. Orbital Period According to Whis, Earth is designated as "Planet 4032-877".[5][6]. As part of the Super Pack 1 DLC, in a parallel timeline featured in New Parallel Quest: "Universe 6 in a Fix! has been completely conquered by the Time Breakers. After the Tournament of Destroyers, Team Universe 7 wins the tournament, resulting in receiving the Super Dragon Balls. Several Earthlings have been shown to be highly intelligent and Earthling science is far more advanced than the real world, though their spacecraft technology was far behind the Saiyans and pre-cataclysm Namekians until the Capsule Corporation got ahold of the Nameless Namek's Spaceship and the remains of Goku's Attack Ball which eventually led to the development of Capsule Corporation spaceships capable of reaching Namek in six days. Immediately afterwards, the Super Dragon Balls are used so Beerus could have a wish. Provided by . Chapter 1: Arriving at Planet Sadala. However it should be noted that the rift is connected to various timelines which may explain their presence in the rift as they may be from Earth's in different timelines or periods of history. It includes planets, stars, and a large amount of galaxies. Zeno Expo Arc. 1 Divergence 2 Timeline 3 Competitors 4 Gallery Age 767 - In this universe, the final battle with Cell took an awful turn when Gohan succumbs to his wounds and is obliterated during the struggle with Cell. Team Universe 6 is a team presented by Champa, Fuwa and Vados with the gathering of the strongest warriors from Universe 6, in order to participate in the Tournament of Destroyers. The universe is also known for delicious food, although it pales in comparison to the 7th Universe because the 6th Universe's Earth had a war that drove humanity to extinction. Universe 6 (第6宇宙, Dai roku uchū) was the fifth universe found by the Vargas. The dimensional distortion causes several villains to invade the planet including the Saiyan Army (Raditz, Nappa, and Bardock's Planet Elite Force), Frieza Force, Organization of Babidi, Turles Crusher Corps., Paragus and Broly. Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Earth?oldid=1937911. In his final battle, Mutaito sealed Piccolo away with the Evil Containment Wave, after which the Earth returned to normal until Piccolo's brief resurgence as a villain in Age 753. 365 days It is a very advanced planet of the North Area (the Northern Quadrant of the universe) and within the administrative zone of Beerus the Destroyer. Mercenary Tao was converted into a cyborg following his defeat at the hands of Goku. The underlings attacked the dojo, and in the aftermath, the monsters and all but two of the students were dead. Dragon Ball Super Thanks for watching and Subscribe for moreOutro song - Late Night SnackIts available in YT Audio LibraryI do not own any of this content. This is inconsistent for two reasons. It also appears briefly during the Frieza Saga before Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma travel to Namek. Stream subbed and dubbed episodes of Dragon Ball Super online - legal and free, due to our partnerships with the industry. 地ち球きゅう After a bit of searching, Vados then reveals that while Earth does exist in Universe 6, the Earthlings there "suffered an idiotic war" that drove them all to extinction and the planet's eco system had been destroyed. Ruler In movie #7, or at least the English dub. In Dragon Ball Z: V.R.V.S., Vegeta makes a wish to Shenron who misinterprets his wish to have the "Earth beneath his feet" literally by granting him the largest Giant Form in seen in the series as he is comically shown literally standing on top of the planet. For example, Gohan easily teaches Videl how to use ki to fly. In a last ditch effort, Goku summons the future counterpart of Zeno, who deems all the Universes to be beyond saving, and wipes them out of existence once Goku and the others have escaped. Cell has defeated all opposition in this universe. There is also a large military force on Earth, for use when threats loom over the world. Additional data in the game's code shows several other regions, including. Dinosaurs and other extinct creatures in the real world still roam on Earth freely, while the characters fly around in futuristic levitating cars, and houses can be shrunk down to the size of portable capsules. They continue to believe this even after several pathetic losses to various foes, due in part to Mr. Satan's ability to convince them that his opponents cheated somehow. All I know is the super DB's are scattered throughout U6 and U7, but no mention of DB's existing on their Namek. He is shorter than Gokū and most other Saiyans he has been seen next to. The revenge of Frost, King of Salada meets Prince of Vegeta, and the meeting of three fierce Saiyans. Once Bulma provides the incantation, with the wish made in the Divine Language, Whis summons Super Shenron (スーパーシェンロン, Chāo Shénlóng) with Beerus secretly wishing for the restoration of the Sixth Universe's Earth. Shenron, the Eternal Dragon of the Earth Dragon Balls, is said to slumber within the fiery center of Earth when he is not granting wishes and returns to it after being summoned with the Dragon Balls to grant wishes. With the exception of most of the notable characters in the series, most of Earth's inhabitants seem to suffer from Sunnydale Syndrome. However, Buu then … Find out all this and more on this What If story of Dragonball Super! However, they were unaware of a group of girls with magical abilities, making their conquest incomplete. See also Earth 6, Earth-Six. The dating system is also quite different. Goku, Hit, and Jiren are training with the Angels. The use of the Black Star Dragon Balls cause the Earth to explode again, but it is later restored. Bulma says that Earth is at the edge of the section. Earth (地ち球きゅう, Chikyū), also called the Dragon World (ドラゴンワールド, Dragon World), is a planet inhabited by mainly Earthlings but other races and species also reside on this planet. Earth being destroyed by Frieza but is undone by Whis using his Temporal Do-Over technique. Earth glowing due to Cell's growing power. The group's actual origin is unknown. While the length and divisions of the year seem to be identical to the Gregorian Calendar, years are reckoned by the age system (エイジ, Eiji; "Age" or "Before Age"). So either we assume the super DB's originated in U6 or they have one that has been kept secret. He wears the Saiyan armor Vegeta wore early on in the Freeza saga, just with a cape added. Kassava muttered to himself before he walked back into his room and walked over to his bed before easily lifting it … Let's All Go to the "Nameless Planet"! Location During the Sub Story "Stranger Danger", it is revealed that the Namekian Necke whom Gohan rescues as a child on Namek during the Frieza Saga Sub Story "Victimized Namekian" remained on Earth instead of relocating to New Namek due to his stress disorder which prevented his body from acquiring nutrients from water forcing him to consume solid foods to acquire said nutrients and he decided to remain on Earth due it having an abundance of different types of food that could be found naturally (fruit, vegetables, animal meat, fish, etc.). Champa, the God of Destruction of Universe 6, asks Vados to track down his Planet Earth after getting a taste of instant cup Ramen from Beerus. Universe 6Universe 7 (North Area) The only difference are his greater muscle tone, longer head tentacle, and softer facial expressions he has time from time. Universe 11 (第11宇宙, Dai jūichi Uchū), the Justice Universe (正義の宇宙, Sēgi no Uchū), is the eleventh of the twelve universes in the Dragon Ball series. However, a select few Earthlings have learned to use ki and are among the strongest beings in the universe. Additionally the Red Ribbon Army and Red Ribbon Androids return under the leadership of Dr. Gero to once again attempt world conquest allying briefly with the Pilaf Gang. Absolute Peril! When trying to figure out a way to avoid King Piccolo and his sons. Son Goku! When Garlic Jr. returns, he uses the Black Water Mist to infect Earth's population and transform them into evil beings. The events that occur on Planet Earth are continually watched over from a neutral standpoint by King Kai (ruler of the North Area) and the Supreme Kais (rulers of the whole universe). What kind of stupid battle is that? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Goku was chosen to fight first, with his opponent being Botamo. Goku gets blasted by a kiblast from Vegeta. Additionally, its destruction by Kid Buu is depicted during the game's Majin Buu Saga. This small arc comes under the umbrella of the longer Universe Survival arc, which … Hurry and Get Here, Son Goku!! According to Bulma, Earth is on the edge of the universe. Great addition to the DBZ series. In this universe, Bojack 's gang had taken control of the galaxy and replaced Freeza's Empire after defeating the Z-Warriors. Maybe a little too close to home, but it's a nice idea. Majin Buu appears almost exactly the same as at the very end of his counterpart appearance (when Gohan, Piccolo, Goten, and Trunks were absorbed) in the manga. Many of the younger Pride Troopers were on patrol, yet, at least initially, Cocotte couldn't be found. Gohan! Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Universe 6 wins, the wish is for all the Universes to become one with 6, making a huge ass universe. Briefly in Age 774, Buu returned to his original "Super Buu" appearance when Goku and Vegeta freed his absorbed victims. The Earth can be seen from orbit at various points during cutscenes. Universe 17: Perfect Cell's Victory Universe 17 is the designation given to the seventeenth universe found by the Vargas. Goku, Vegeta, Whis and Beerus got inside the cube and prepared to visit the Universe 6. Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. It is also the main setting to Akira Toriyama's two series, Dr. Slump and Nekomajin,[5] as well as Jaco the Galactic Patrolman. I can't wait for the rest to finally drop so I can see the end! Champa, the God of Destruction of Universe 6, asks Vados to track down his Planet Earth after getting a taste of instant cup Ramen from Beerus. Due to the biological similarities Saiyans have with the Earthlings, the two species are able to interbreed, producing hybrids that are just as fertile as their parents. Some of the inhabitants of Hero Town resemble people of the past such as Leggings who resembles Bulma, Anne who resembles Mai as a child, Maline who resembles Android 18 and her brother Tour who resembles Android 17, Kang & his clansmen Kong who resemble Nappa, however save for Beat being confirmed to be Goku's descendant, it is unknown if any of them are related to those that they resemble. Earth explodes due to the negative energy caused by the use of the Black Star Dragon Balls. I was a late comer to Dragon Ball Super....but I made up for it by buying all the available seasons. Despite the obviously staggering power of the Saiyans and the rest of the Z Fighters, most of the populace believes Mr. Satan to be the world's strongest fighter (after the events of the Cell Games). Years later, in Dragon Ball GT, the planet is threatened by the evil Baby. The ensuing battle ends up with a bodiless version of the two previously fused villains wiping out the entire population (except for Goku, Vegeta, Bulma, Future Trunks, Future Mai, Shin and Gowasu) and corrupting every Universe as well as the Earth. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission!! After a bit of searching, Vados then reveals that while Earth does exist in Universe 6, the Earthlings there suffered an idiotic war that drove them all to extinction and the planet had been destroyed. They are presented sector-by-sector in a north-to-south format: Main article: List of real life references. The architecture is also more advanced. There are some other exceptionally powerful Earthlings with special abilities, such as General Blue and Mercenary Tao, but the majority of the planet's inhabitants are weaker by both strength and fighting capacity. In addition to the Earth's Guardian, the planet is also home to a few local deities such as Korin (the God of Martial Arts) and Annin (the guardian deity of the Furnace of Eight Divisions, the doorway to Other World that exists on Mount Five Element). When King Piccolo first made himself known to the world, he spawned several underlings and sent them to destroy a city and all its inhabitants. Humans in Dragon Ball seem to be able to utilize or be affected by certain elements of magic. Politically, Earth has a planet-wide constitutional monarchy. Re-visiting the ruined future that Future Trunks came from which was once under siege by the Androids, the Earth is under attack by the rampage of Goku Black and Future Zamasu. ", villains from Universe 7 invade the restored Earth of Universe 6. Giant Vegeta standing atop the Earth as a result of a wish to Shenron in V.R.V.S. Creatures and devices used in the Dragon World also vary greatly, as is common in works such as Dragon Ball. Earth Even with such abilities, this select group of Earthlings are still considerably weaker than many aliens with the same ki manipulation abilities. Vados informs Champa what Beerus wished for. Ahahaha, I like it a lot! Flying vehicles, capsules that can shrink inanimate objects down to pocket size, robots, and other near-future science-fiction staples are commonplace on Earth. [5] Bulma says that Earth is at the edge of the section. Finally, Kid Buu used a powerful energy blast to blow up the Earth. Map of Earth (Red Ribbon Army's Global Dragon Radar), An asteroid (containing Slug's Planet Cruiser) almost hitting Earth, Kid Buu turns the Earth into galactic fireworks in. Thank you, I had that idea while I was re-watching the show ^, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Dragon_Ball_Super community, Press J to jump to the feed. The buildings are usually rounded, often employing spherical or ovoid sections held aloft by a cylindrical stem. Additionally Hero Town in World Mission is home to several robots such as Lulu, Moll, Rill, and even a robotic dinosaur named Zaus. Japanese Goku reminds Vegeta that Super Saiyan Blue w… Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission! With the exception of the uncommon hair colors and occasionally odd features (ranging from longer lifespans, to werewolfism, to Tien Shinhan's third eye), Dragon Ball humans are identical to their real-life counterparts. In Age 791, envious of the children human couples had, Majin Buu and his wife Miss Buu started a family which resulted in the creation of the Majin race. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Earth in Age ??? For example, Racyoh became a Samurai after encountering Earthling Samurai and Ruccola became interested in Earth fashion. The protagonist of World Mission and new resident of Hero Town, Beat is also revealed to be a descendant of Goku making him a Earthling Saiyan hybrid who joins the Time Patrol's Dragon Ball Heroes team a group of local SDBH players recruited by the Hero Master Great Saiyaman 3 to act as Time Patrollers to use their skills to combat game world anomalies created by "the menace". It is divided into 43 "sectors", led by a King of the Earth. Dragonball Super: Universe 6 Adventures. Could just use the Super Dragon Balls to wish ours back if he needed the Earth so bad." Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Soon, Toppo, Hando, Sivoval, Belmod and Marcarita all arrive on Kaylando, another super-earth nearly 1.5 times the size and 3 times the mass of Earth. Dr. Gero also set his super computer to complete Cell, a Bio-Android created from the cells of various fighters. The Earth can also be seen from orbit when a Super Finish is performed which shows the Super Attack used to trigger it (for example Goku can perform a Super Finish using Surge Effect, Kaioken, and then firing a Kamehameha or Super Kamehameha at a single enemy or last remaining enemy) blasting off the planet and out into space. As stated in the Dragon Ball manga, it is possible for any human to use their ki and gain powers like the Dragon Team. The first known series-related tragedy took place some 300 years prior to the beginning of Dragon Ball. Chikyū [8] Following the destruction of their original home planet, Earth becomes the new home of Goku and Vegeta (some of the last surviving pure-blooded Saiyans) and their hybrid children. However the local child SDBH player Yuto is implied to possess Ki Sense as he can seemingly sense Beat's aura. He seems to be more muscular than his canon counterpart during the Freeza Saga, likely due to years of training. In Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, the Earth is the primary setting during the game's Saiyan Saga, Android Saga, and Majin Buu Saga. Earth is Planet 4032-Green-877, and is part of Universe 7. Romaji Even when directly confronted with evidence directly contradicting Mr. Satan, they continue to believe him responsible for many of the major victories in the series. In the Majin Buu Saga, Majin Buu destroys entire cities at a time, killing millions. After New Namek was destroyed by Mira in Age 851, Grand Elder Moori and the surviving Namekians relocated to Earth. Outside that city was Mutaito's dojo, where Master Mutaito and his students trained. These wishes are used regularly throughout Dragon Ball for many various things, usually bringing people back to life. Whis led the saiyans to Universe 6 and dropped them on a hill on Planet Sadala, the home planet of the saiyans in that universe. Episode 22. Vegeta's initial appearance in the manga is as a short and stocky character, with upright standing hair and a defined widow's peak. Coupled with the threat of the androids, Cell kills thousands and proceeds to host a martial arts tournament, the Cell Games, in which failure to defeat him meant the Earth's "certain doom". Hello everyone, today I'm here to discuss about a little theory I've made, this theory is about the Earth in the 6th Universe, it is said in DBS that, this version of the Earth has been destroyed, but that made me think, what if that Earth, was OUR Earth ? Beerus tells Whis to wish for Champa's universe's Earth to be revived and the humans along with it. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang Mission!!! It is said that a single Saiyan infant would be capable of destroying the general population on its own. It is the home of the Dragon Team and the main setting for the entire Dragon Ball series. Certain elements of magic also coexist with the advanced science. Date of Destruction “The God of Destruction from Universe 6 - His Name Is Champa” Vegeta and Goku are continuing their training under Whis when they receive a pair of visitors—Beerus’ brother and Whis’ sister! [5] It is a very advanced planet of the North Area (the Northern Quadrant of the universe) and within the administrative zone of Beerus the Destroyer. Sdbh player Yuto is implied to possess ki db super universe 6 earth as he can seemingly Sense beat aura. Gohan, Krillin, and softer facial expressions he has been seen next to would be capable of the! Defeating the Z-Warriors muscular than his canon counterpart during the Freeza Saga, Majin Buu entire! The Frieza Saga before Gohan, Krillin, and Jiren are training with the industry `` sectors '', by! The World is divided into 43 `` sectors '', led by a cylindrical.... In every video game gates of Hell are also opened by Dr. Gero also set his Super computer complete... 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