Crime Any violation of law, either divine or human; an omission of a duty commanded, or the commission of an act forbidden by law. May 8, 2020 - Explore Saurabh Singh's board "Urdu Words", followed by 1494 people on Pinterest. Synonyms for criminal include unlawful, illicit, lawless, illegal, prohibited, dishonest, felonious, corrupt, culpable and illegitimate. Steal (verb) means to take something. How to use crime in a sentence. Crime Gross violation of human law, in distinction from a misdemeanor or trespass, or other slight offense. 'My bag was stolenat the party.' complicity. Words used to describe crimes Free thesaurus definition of types of crime from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus … Words used to describe crimes Free thesaurus definition of types of crime from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus … Learn more. 'Valuable items are taken from him, we do not take him. an example that is used to justify similar occurrences. Massacre - the killing of a large number of people especially in a cruel way. Words Containing Crime Crime Meaning :- Any violation of law- either divine or human; an omission of a duty commanded- or the commission of an act forbidden by law. con., crime, Crimea, crime against humanity, crime against nature, Crimean, Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. 'Valuable items are taken from him, we do not take him. crime rate. 3. Definition of crime. Gross violation of human law- in distinction from a misdemeanor or trespass- or other slight offense. Get the latest headlines and breaking news for high-profile crimes, lawsuits, and trials. This is a crime scene. Synonyms for 'crime': case, count, offence, illegality, attempt, criminality, malfeasance, misdeed, job, statutory offence ; associate: one who works with mobsters, but hasn't been asked to take the vow of Omertà; an almost confirmed, or made guy. 3 letter words SIN 4 letter words EVIL - PITY - SLIP - TORT - TRIP - VICE 5 letter words a file that lists all of the crimes a person has committed: We don't allow anyone with a criminal record into our country. Submitted by RASHON T. from Brick Township, NJ, USA on Apr 15 1999. an offensive way to refer to someone of either gender. child abuse. Rob (verb) means take something from a place or person. Get the latest headlines and breaking news for high-profile crimes, lawsuits, and trials. felony. Black Hat - Just like in the old westerns, these are the bad guys. Call now for a free consultation (619) 231-1830 (fake) - Experts are dismissing claim that the painting is a forgery. 1708, Alexander Pope, Ode for Music on St Cecilia's Day: 2.1.1. is the world’s leading online source for English definitions, synonyms, word origins and etymologies, audio pronunciations, example sentences, slang phrases, idioms, word games, legal and medical terms, Word of the Day and more. case. 2 : a grave offense especially against morality. count. A black hat is a cracker. Join Macmillan Dictionary on Twitter and Facebook for daily word facts, quizzes and language news. ... Related to Crimes: grimes. To see Violence, Law Enforcement, Police and War vocabulary lists, please go to the home page for word games, interactive worksheets, word puzzles and themed content that align with Common Core Standards. Money is taken from the bank, not the whole thing. Example: That firm is known for its sharp practice, so I’d … felony: as a term in common law from Old French felonie, “wickedness, evil, treachery, perfidy, crime, … Put behind bars. Crime has contributed a host of words to the English language and the legal fraternity makes use of such words as appellant, cross-examination, deposition and injunction, as well as many, many other technical terms. precedent. 2. 3 : criminal activity efforts to fight crime. evil. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for CRIME We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word crime will help you to finish your crossword today. infraction. a failure to show regard for others. hooliganism: : rowdy, violent, or destructive behavior. An act committed in violation of law where the consequence of conviction by a court is punishment, especially where the punishment is a serious one such as imprisonment. Can be determined by the following formula: (Education + Wealth + Number of Jobs + Number of Businesses) / Sucess Is as proportional to race as George W. Bush is to intelligence. a serious crime, such as murder or arson. an aggravated crime has features, such as the use of violence, that make it worse, in criminal law, a person’s likelihood to commit a crime, or details of crimes they have already committed, formal considered to be a crime that you can be officially accused of, the criminal quality of someone or something, someone who is accused of an extraditable crime can be sent back to the country where the crime was committed for a trial, legalAmerican a first-degree murder is the most serious type, in which someone deliberately plans to kill someone, relating to organized crime, or to the people who are involved in it, very formal a heinous act or crime is extremely evil, a hit-and-run attack is one in which someone attacks someone suddenly and then leaves quickly, an indictable offence is one for which you can be officially accused and brought to a court for trial, non-violent crime does not involve physically hurting people, a premeditated crime, bad action, unpleasant remark etc has been deliberately planned, legalAmerican second-degree crimes are less serious than first-degree crimes, a smash-and-grab crime involves breaking the windows of a building or car in order to steal things quickly, used about crimes when the criminal has not been found, a victimless crime is one that does not seem to cause obvious harm to other people, white-collar crimes are crimes in which people who work in offices steal money from the company that they work for. Find another word for violence. Crime definition: A crime is an illegal action or activity for which a person can be punished by law. 4 : something reprehensible, foolish, or disgraceful It's a crime to waste good food. precedent. No crime was thine, if 'tis no crimeto love. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. 2500 pages of free content are available only online. crime (krīm) n. 1. I ain't playin' b! California legal dictionary and glossary. Here we look at six idioms which are linked to the topic of crime. bigamy. 1. crime = criminal 2. murder = murderer 3. theft = thief 4. trafficking = trafficker 5. hijacking = hijacker 6. terrorism = terrorist 7. smuggling = smuggler 8. shoplifting = shoplifter 9. vandalism = vandal 10. teenage criminal/ juvenile delinquent – Come to MSN News for the latest on crime & justice. misdemeanor. - Nobody survived the massacre. outrage: : an act of violence or brutality arranged outrages and assassinations — Anthony West . 3. A thiefis the general name we give to someone who steals something. A serious offense, especially one in violation of morality. Defenitions of common legal terms, crime names, criminal offenses, defense related terminology and phrase. Massacre - the killing of a large number of people especially in a cruel way. Crime Gross violation of human law, in distinction from a misdemeanor or trespass, or other slight offense. crime doesn't pay. Words Related to crime . conspiracy. Blackmail: To threaten to reveal incriminating materials if... Criminal Terms. This list shows the person relating to the crime (the perpetrator of the crime). Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for CRIME We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word crime will help you to finish your crossword today. the crime of murder When would offense be a good substitute for crime? Alphabetical-All Subject & Themed Puzzles, Abuse, Accessory, Accomplice, Accused, Accuser, Activists, Adversary, Affect, AFIS, Against, Agency, Aggravated assault, Alarm, Alcohol, Alert, Alias, Alibi, Alienate, Allegation, Ammunition, APB, Appeal, Armed, Arraignment, Arrest, Arsenal, Arson, Art forgery, Assailant, Assault, Attack, Authority, Autopsy, Background check, Backup, Bail, Ballistics, Battery, Beat, Behavior, Behind bars, Belligerence, Big house, Blackmail, Bloodstain, Bombing, Brawl, Breach, Break-in, Breaking and entering, Bribery, Brutality, Bullying, Burden of proof, Burglary, Bystander, Capture, Case, Caution, Chase, Cheat, Civil, Claim, Coercion, Collusion, Combat, Commission, Commit, Complaint, Complication, Conduct, Confession, Connection, Conspiracy, Contact, Contacts, Contempt, Control, Controversial, Conviction, Cops, Coroner, Corruption, Counsel, Counterfeit, Court, Credit theft, Crime, Criminal, Criminal justice system, Criminology, Cuffs, Custody, Damage, Danger, Dangerous, Dark side, Data base, Deadly, Deal, Dealings, Death, Deed, Defendant, Defense, Deliberate, Delinquency, Democratic, Denial, Department, Deputy, Detail, Detain, Detection, Detective, Deter, Determination, Deviant, Direct, Discovery, Dismember, Disobedience, Disorderly, Dispatch, Disregard, Disruption, District attorney, DNA, Documentation, Documents, Domestic, Dossier, Drill, Drugs, Duty, Educate, Education, Effect, Elusive, Embezzle, Emergency, Enable, Encumber, Enforce, Entail, Equality, Escape, Ethical, Evasive, Eviction, Evidence, Evil, Examination, Execute, Exonerate, Expert, Explosives, Expunge, Extort, Extradition, Extreme, Failure, Fairness, Family, Fatality, Fault, FBI, Federal, Felony, Ferocity, Fight, Fighting, Fine, Fingerprint, Firebombing, First-degree, Flee, Footprints, Forbidden, Force, Forensics, Forgery, Formal charge, Frantic, Fraud, Freedom, Full-scale, Fundamental, Furtive, Good guys, Gory, Government, Grief, Grievance, Guarantee, Guard, Guilty, Gun, Gunrunning, Hand-to-hand, Handcuffs, Handle, Harassment, Harm, Harmful, Headquarters, Heinous, Helicopter, Help, Helpful, High-powered rifle, High-profile, Hijack, Hire, Holding cell, Holster, Homicide, Honesty, Honor, Hostage, Hot-line, Humanity, Identification, Illegal, Immoral, Immunity, Impeach, Impression, Imprison, Improper, Incarceration, Incompetent, Incriminating, Indictment, Influence, Informant, Information, Initiative, Injury, Inmate, Innocence, Innocent, Inquest, Instruct, Integrity, Intelligence, Interests, Interference, International, Interpol, Interpretation, Interrogate, Interrogate, Interstate, Intervention, Interview, Intrastate, Intruder, Invasive, Investigate, Investigation, Irregular, Irresponsible, Issue, Jail, John Doe, Judge, Judgment, Judicial, Judiciary, Jurisdiction, Jury, Justice, Juvenile, Laboratory, Larceny, Law, Law-abiding, Lawfully, Lawsuit, Lawyer, Leaks, Lease, Legal, Legislation, Legitimate, Lethal, Libel, Liberty, License, Lie detector, Lien, Lieutenant, Limits, Long hours, Lowlife, Loyalty, Lynch, Mace, Maintain, Majority, Malice, Malpractice, Manacled, Manslaughter, Marshal, Mayhem, Metal detector, Minor, Minority, Miscreant, Misdemeanor, Missing person, Mission, Model, Money laundering, Moratorium, Motorist, Murder, Murderer, National, Negligent, Negotiable, Negotiate, Neighborhood, Network, Nine-one-one, Notation, Notification, Nuisance, Oath, Obey, Obligation, Offender, Offense, Officer, Official, On-going, Open case, Opinion, Opportunity, Order, Organize, Ownership, Partner, Partnership, Pathology, Patrol, Pattern, Pedestrian, Peeping Tom, Penalize, Penalty, Perjury, Perpetrator, Petition, Petty theft, Phony, Plainclothes officer, Plea, Plead, Police, Policy, Power, Precedent, Precinct, Preliminary findings, Prevention, Principle, Prior, Prison, Private, Probable cause, Probation, Probation officer, Procedure, Professional, Profile, Prohibit, Proof, Property, Prosecute, Prosecutor, Prostitution, Protection, Protocol, Provision, Public, Punishment, Quake, Qualification, Quality, Quantify, Quantity, Quarrel, Quell, Question, Quickly, Quirk, Quiver, Radar, Raid, Rank, Rap sheet, Rape, Reason, Reckless endangerment, Record, Recovery, Recruit, Redress, Reduction, Refute, Register, Regulations, Reinforcement, Reject, Release, Repeal, Reported, Reports, Reprobate, Reputation, Requirement, Resist, Responsibility, Restitution, Restraining order, Restriction, Revenge, Rights, Riot, Robbery, Rogue, Rough, Rules, Rulings, Sabotage, Safeguard, Sanction, Scene, Sealed record, Search and rescue team, Secret, Seize, Seizure, Selection, Sentence, Sergeant, Serial killer, Seriousness, Services, Sex crimes, Shackles, Sheriff, Shooting, Shyster, Sighting, Situation, Skillful, Slander, Slashing, Slaying, Smuggling, Sorrow, Speculation, Spying, Squad, Stabbing, Stalking, Statute, Statute of limitation, Stigma, Stipulation, Subdue, Subpoena, Successful, Summons, Supervise, Suppress, Surveillance, Survivor, Suspect, Suspected, Suspicion, Suspicious, Sworn, System, Tactic, Task force, Terrorism, Testify, Testimony, Theft, Threatening, Three-strikes law, Thwart, Tire-slashing, Torture, Toxicology, Trace, Traffic, Trafficking, Tragedy, Transfer, Trauma, Treatment, Trespass, Trial, Trooper, Trust, Unacceptable, Unauthorized, Unclaimed, Unconstitutional, Undercover, Underpaid, Understaffed, Unexpected, Unharmed, Uniform, Unintentional, Unit, Unjust, Unknown, Unlawful, Unsolved, Uphold, Vagrancy, Vandalism, Viable, Vice, Victim, Victimize, Victory, Vigilance, Vigilante, Violate, Violation, Violence, Volunteer, Vow, Voyeurism, Vulnerable, Wanted poster, Ward, Warning, Warped, Warrant, Watch, Weapon, Will, Wiretap, Wisdom, Witness, Worse, Wrong. 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